Witty Kitty

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            Soo-Yoon's eyes swept back and forth while walking in the streets. It's been a week and she hasn't seen or heard of Amias. Even though she did win the bet that night, she was sure he wouldn't keep to his word. This is Amias, she's just waiting for him to jump her or even kidnap her.

            “Are you studying for your own benefit?”

            His words kept ringing in her head. Does that mean he isn't using her for himself? He is seriously a puzzle to her. Amias made it sound like he wasn't doing any of his actions for himself, and that it was all for some one else. Well, she knows he is obsessed with figuring out who's cheating. That doesn't help her with finding out what Amias' goal is, in fact it just makes finding out his goal even more confusing.

            What she can say is that she views Amias in a little better light. He is selfish, but not totally.

            Soo-Yoon stops in her tracks and shakes her head. She shouldn't think too much! He hasn't appeared in almost a week. She should be happily strutting through the street, not jumping at every dark ally.

            She soon reaches her dorm. Right as she was going to enter the room, the dorm slams open and Edith rushes out all dressed up. Soo-Yoon blinks and looks back at her.

            “W-Where are you going?”

            Edith quickly looks back at Soo-Yoon and waves at her.

            “I''m out to a group date! See you later tonight or tomorrow!”

            Yeah, Edith jumped back quickly to her fast dating life. Soo-Yoon was amazed by Edith, she was really expecting to babysit the girl for a long time. It kind of pisses her off, she wasted all that time for Edith not to go through a tough heart-break. But, here she is now all sugar and rainbows.

            Soo-Yoon sighs and closes the door and locks it. Might as well treat herself to an outside meal since Edith isn't going to be home.

            The streets on campus were busy since it was Saturday, people were trying to get in their fun before school starts. She frowns at it all and keeps her head down. She is still behind on her study schedule and midterms are Tuesday. Soo-Yoon sighs and rubs her face, because of Amias she probably isn't going to get the grades she really needs. Worse thing is that even though he hasn't been bothering her he's still in her mind.

            “Hey, Amias owes us!”

            She stops in her footsteps and slowly looks up. There was a group of thugs-, actually, why are there always so many delinquents on campus anyway?!

            Back to the scene in front of her. There was a group of thugs surrounding a larger man. They were sneering at him, and some were holding pipes and bats. The larger person in the middle didn't look scared at the predicament, but just troubled. He sighs and looks down at them.

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