Pretty Witty Kitty

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            Soo-Yoon stares at the mid-term exam in her hands, along with her quarter grades in the other. She clutches both tightly and slowly lowers her head on to her desk. How could she have done this bad on an exam? If she wasn't sharing a dorm with another person she would be screaming right now.

            Soo-Yoon grabbed the pillow on her bed and screams into it. She got distracted! That distraction caused all her grades to drop tremendously!

            A ring comes from her laptop. Soo-Yoon pales as she glances to the laptop and sees it's a webcam chat with both her parents.  She slowly gets up from her bed and straightens out the papers that she crumbled in her hands. Soo-Yoon sits in her chair and takes in a deep breath before clicking the 'accept' button.

            Her parents appeared on the screen, each on their laptops in different homes.

            “Honey, it's been a while. I've missed you!” Her mother says.

            “How has college been?” The father asks.

            She bits her tongue to stop the complaints from pouring out, and the turmoil she has gone through.

            “I-It's great! Still can't believe I'm nearly done with college!” She adds a fake laugh at the end, hoping her parents would pass it by.

            “You've grown up so fast,” Her mother coes.

            “How was your quarter grades?”

            She was really hoping that question could be avoided. But, there's no other reason her parents would even chat together without a special reason.

            Soo-Yoon sighs and scratches the back of her neck.

            “Sorry, but my grades dropped. It's now a 3.62 and my cumulative dropped a bit.”

            There was shock on both parents faces. Soo-Yoon's grades never dropped. Her mother smiled though besides the shock.

            “You shouldn't worry about that! You still have high grades, usually college kids just try to pass classes now a days.”

            Her father laughs a little, trying to bring up the mood. “Trust your mother, she knows what she is talking about.”

            Her mother sends a glare towards the man. Soo-Yoon tenses up, knowing what is going to come up.

            “Are you saying I wasn't intelligent in college?”

            “There you go again, implying outrageous ideas.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2013 ⏰

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