You have survived a lot and you will survive whatever is coming.
You have been lost, you have experienced heartbreak, you have known hardship
You have been through so much
But here you are
Still moving forward
And that's is why you are so much stronger than you thought you were.
Now you look back and realise that everything that ever happened to you,
The good or bad
Brought you to a better place
You have learned that being strong doesn't always mean you have to fight the battle.
True strength is being mature enough to walk away from the nonsense with your head held high.
You still usually give people more chances than they deserve but at least now once you're done.
You're done
that's Y I wrote iT.
PoesiaDrink up~ the loneliness. Broken.~ Crushed.~ Shattered.~ Torn.~ Explore my deepest.. We have to lose grip and lose ourselves to realise things, accept the changes even if it takes someone so precious to let go and break you in pieces I remember bei...