The bad boy kissed me (19)

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Chapter 19

"When are you coming home sweetheart, I miss you," my mum said through the phone.

"I miss you too mum but I'm kind of in the middle of something here," I told her.

"You are missing so much of school and Exams are coming up soon," she said in a worried voice.

"I know but since I've been living here I've released that there is a lot more to life than school and homework," I said, falling back into my bed.

"Oh honey, you are still young and need to get into a good college so you can get a good job and a nice house so you can support your family," she began.

"Mum slow down there, I don't even know if I want kids," I told her.

"Just give me a ruff idea on how long you are going to be there for, please," she asked.

"I'm honestly not sure Maybe another week," I said, playing with the bed covers.

"Okay, I guess missing only two weeks of school isn't that bad," she said, trying to look on the bright side.

"Exactly!" I said happily

"Okay darling, I'll see you soon,"she told me.

We said our goodbyes and I sat up so I could look out of the window. There were a lot of trees outside of Marcus's house and I remembered how I always had the need to climb them back home in California.

There was A quite knock at my door and I turned round to see Brooke standing at my door.

"Oh my goodness, hi how are you," I asked as I jumped up to give her a hug.

"I'm great, how are you," she asked me back.

"Yeah I'm good too, just feeling a bit home sick," I told her.

"Aww, well all sadness will be forgotten tonight," she said, leaned against the wall.

"Why? What's happening tonight," I asked her.

"Didn't he tell you? Marcus is having a party," she said excitedly.

"Really," I said, trying to match her excitement.

I never really liked parties. I was more the type girl to stay in and watch a movie but maybe this party would be different as the people here seen to be a lot nicer than the people at home.

"What are you wearing?" She asked me as she walked towards my wardrobe.

"I'm not sure, I didn't really bring any party type clothes," I told her.

"Hmmmm...oh! What about this," she said as she pulled out a lacy white dress, "you could wear it with your white converse".

"Okay! Thank you Brooke," I said, taking the dress and laying it on my bed.

"It's my pleasure. I'm going down to help Marcus, do you want to come and help," she asked.

"Of course I will," I told her and we walked down together.

Kian was sat on the couch scrolling through his phone. He looked up as Brooke and I strolled in and smiled.
I placed myself down next to him and talked to him about nothing for what seemed like hours. He was so easy to talk to and always seemed interested in what I was talking about.

As the sky got darker some familiar faces started to walk through the door. So far the house consisted of me, Kian, Blake, Brooke, Marcus, Nate, Kendra and a few crowds of people I had yet to meet. I quickly ran upstairs and threw on my dress as I picked up my mascara and applied a light coat.

"Riley, what are you doing up there , come dance with me honey," Marcus called from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'll be right down," I answered as I rushed down. The house was even more crowded now and squeezed through the sea of people to try and find someone that I knew.

"Riley! You look great!"

I quickly turned around to find Brooke dancing behind me.

"Aww, thank you Brooke. You too," I told her and she smiled.

"Have you seen Blake?" She asked looking around,

"No, I haven't actually. Why?" I questioned. Her cheeks turned a shade of pink.

"I think I like him Riley. I want to tell him tonight," she confessed as she guided me to the kitchen.

"No way! I had no idea," I gasped as I slid up onto the counter. She grinned and looked around a bit more. My phone buzzed and I reached into my pocket to check it.

Kian- where are you right now?
Riley- in the kitchen, why?
Kian- do you want to come and meet me on the roof?
Riley- yeah sure, I'll see you soon.

"I need to go but good luck on your search for Blake," I told her as I jumped down. She laughed and wondered into the living room.

I swam through the crowd and back upstairs. At the end of the hall there was a small door on the ceiling that was usually kept shut but it was hanging open with a metal ladder leading down from it. I strolled down to the ladder and carefully climbed it. I soon reached the top and my eyes met with the most beautiful sky I had ever seen.

"Wow," I exclaimed out loud.

I heard a chuckle coming from my left. I turned to find Kian lying on a deck chair, looking up at me.

"Oh hello there," I smiled as I lay down on the chair next to him.

"Hello," he said calmly

"What are you doing up here," I asked as I stared up at the sky.

"Its quiet up here," he told me as he took a breath.

"Yeah, it is quite nice up here, I can see why you like it," I sighed.

We just sat in silence for a while. It wasn't like an awkward silence, we were just listening to the birds, sea and the faded music playing from below us.


Im back!!!
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From Lola 🐨

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