The bad boy kissed me (14)

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Chapter 14

"Anything?," I asked,

"Anything," he replied, as we sat down on a bench.

"What's your full name?" I said looking at him.

"Kian Toby Johnston".

"Do you have any hobbies?".

"Playing guitar and skateboarding".

"Why do you like me?".

"I didn't know I did until I kissed you".

"That doesn't really answer the question," I said with a smirk.

"You're smart but not boastful about it. You're naturally beautiful without noticing it. You don't care what anybody thinks and I get the most amazing feeling when I kiss you," he said I one breath.

I was completely silent for about ten seconds and then burst out laughing.

"What is it," he said with a slight smile.

I looked into his eyes and then wrapped my arms around him, squeezing him tight. He did the same thing, slipping his hand around my waist. We both started to laugh and I lay my head on his shoulder as he put his arm around mine.

" Kian," I sighed.

"Yes Riley," he replied.

"Thank you for kissing and humiliating me in the school cafeteria because If you didn't we wouldn't be here right now," I said as he chuckled.

"It's my pleasure," he said.

Although I was feeling the happiest I had ever been right now, there was still something bothering me that I was too afraid to ask him. Who is Emily?


We soon joined the rest of the group back at the beach to see they had started a fire and where roasting marshmallows.

"Where did you guys run off to," Nate asked handing me a marshmallow.

"We just went for a walk in the woods," Kian said sitting down next to me.

"Did anything interesting happen," Brooke said with a smirk.

"We saw a butterfly!" Kian said to her.

We sat there just talking and eating marshmallows until about 5:00 and we started to pack up.

"Okay I better head, I'm late to see Emily," Kian said, looking at his watch.

"Well tell her hello from me," Marcus said.

"Will do, bye!" Kian said, getting into his car.

We started to walk back to the house and I started talking to Blake.

"Hey had anyone told you who Emily is," I asked him.

"No, but I'm sure she's just a friend of Kian's," he said.

I nodded and as we walked into the house and sat down in the living room.
We decided to watch a Movie and Nate started flicking through Netflix.

"Hey Blake to you want to help me with   Some snacks," Marcus asked him as he headed towards the kitchen.

"Yeah sure," Blake said, following him.

"I'm going to order some pizza," Brooke said taking out her phone.

About 15 minutes later we were all sitting around the TV with snacks and pizza, watching "The Do Over". A few hours passed and Kian soon came.

"Hey Kian," Nate said, as he started to walk upstairs.

"Hey," Kian said sadly not even looking over at us.

Nate turned back round and placed his head in his hands.

"Why does he keep going to see her, it just makes him sad," Nate looking at Marcus.

"Shut up Nate," Marcus said under his breath as he walked passed him with pizza boxes to put in the bin.

"Okay, I better go before this gets any more awkward," Brooke said standing up.

"Yeah me too,"Nate said.

We said our goodbyes and Marcus walked them to the door.

" they were nice!," Blake said to me as he picked up his cup.

"Yeah, they were," I said sipping on my own.

"Do you want to watch another one," Marcus asked walking back in.

"Actually I'm getting quite tired," I said getting up.

I gave then both s hug and told them good night before walking up the stairs.
I made my way to my room but decided to go and see Kian before i got ready for bed. I knocked on his door.

"Marcus go away please," he said, from behind the door.

"Sorry," I said moving away.

"No wait, Riley is that you," he said and I heard him walk towards to door. He opened it and I smiled at him.

"Sorry about that," he said with a small smile.

"It's fine," I told him.

"Come in," he said walking into his room and I followed. I walked around a bit, looking at the photos on his self. He came behind me and put his arms around my waist. I leaned back into him as he started to lightly kiss my neck.

It brought back memories from when we were in detention and Amy walked in. I haven't talked to her in so long and it seems weird to think we were best friends. I still don't know what she was so upset about. She started to change when I told her I liked Kian... Wait, did she like Kian. No way she hated him!

"What did you just say," Kian said, leading the kissed along my shoulder.

"What?," I asked confused.

"You said something about someone hating someone," he said.

"Did I, oh," I said

I turned around so that I was facing him and played with his hair.

"I better go," I said and I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Good bye," he said. I smiled and walked out of his room and into mine.
I got ready for bed, called my mum and fell asleep.


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Brooke at the top ⬆️⬆️⬆️

From Lola 🐨X

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