The bad boy kissed me (5)

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Chapter 5

"Get in here," I whisper, pointing to the bathroom as he fixes his towel and runs  in. I follow him and quickly lock the door. I hear my mums footsteps get closer to my room and I put my hand over Kian's mouth. He looks at me with wide eyes and I feel something warm and wet in my hand. I quickly pulled it away and punched him in the arm.

"That's disgusting," I say, watching him laugh at me.

" Riley are you ok," I here my mum say.

"Em yeah mum, I'm just brushing my teeth,"I say, in a panic.

"Well ok, I need to run down to the shops to get some bread. Will you be ok for 5 mins without me,"she asks.

I look at Kian, thinking that I'll probably be able to drive him home in that time.

"Yeah that's fine,"I say, running the tap to make it sound like I was actually brushing my teeth.

She walked out and about 10 minutes  later after she was dressed I heard her leave. God that was the most awkward 10 minutes of my life. I let Kian quickly get dressed and then led him to the car. I opened the door and sat down. I hardly ever drive and honestly when I do I'm not to good.

"So, is this your car,"he asked as we pulled out from the drive way.

"No, it's my mums, but I never get to use it anyway because she is usually using it ... And because I'm not the best driver,"I say honestly.

He laughs and goosebumps form on my skin. Oh he has a beautiful laugh.

"So where do you live,"I ask.

"Em 42 Burns Road,"he said, smiling at me as I fiddled with the radio.

A few minutes passed and I entered Burns Road.

"Right there,"he said, pointing at by far the biggest house on the street. And when I say house I mean mansion.

"Wow,"I say under my breath.

He opens the door and looks at me.

"Thank you Riley, for everything,"he smirks and closes the door. I blush and watch him walk inside.

"Wow,"I say again.


"Here we go again, another Monday," Amy said as she slams the door of her car and walks towards the school.

I still haven't told her about Kian and I because I don't want her judging me again and also because I just want to keep it between me and Kian.

I followed Amy and saw three girls look at me and start to giggle.

"Are people still going on about Kian kissing me in the lunch hall,"I said to Amy just wanting it to all blow over.

"Well, not much happens at this school and when something does its big,"she said putting her sun glasses on even though it wasn't sunny.

Something about Amy was changing but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

I stood next to my locker and looked up to see Kian walking down the corridor. Girls would smile and wave at him, twiddling with their hair and giggling. It was disgusting to look at. All until my eyes met with Kian. He winked at me as he passed but then stopped when a hand was put out in front of him. I looked to see Amy. She took her glasses of and flirtatiously smiled at him.

"Hi, Kian," she said.

I just stared at her in shock and then I realised she was wearing a lot more make up than she usually does.

"Em hi," he said, removing her had from his chest and moving on.

She huffed and took the books from her locker and walked to English. What just happened.






"Kian, is most likely not here".

"Em no sir, I'm right here,"Kian stated from the back of the class.

Most of the girls laughed and giggled sum more.

"Oh Kian you are back, sorry I didn't even realise," Mr Mathews said, moving on with the register.

I turned my head to look at Kian to see that he was already staring at me. He smirked and looked away when his friends Blake tapped him on the shoulder. I turned back and smiled to my self. Maybe life was taking a turn. But for the best or worst.


Hey guys,, please comment and let me know if I should continue this story!!

Rileys mom at the top

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