Chapter 1

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I really can't believe my mom. She met this dude name Daniel and they started dating. He seems like a really good dude from the way my mom talks about him. To me I think they should wait until they move in with each other. The bad part is I have to leave everything behind. Did I mention he has a kid? I hope it's girl! I've always wanted a sister. Let me tell you a little about me.

My name is Kiara Gordin. Im 17 and a senior in high school. Im an only child and live with my mom (Lisa) in California. I have brown curly hair thats up to mid-back. I also love to sing. My mom is the only person that heard me sing and I will like to keep it that way. I can be shy at times but will fight a bitch that ticks me off.

We are now in the car, on our way to Daniel's house, they live on the other side of town. Over is were the rich people live. Ha. This is going to be good -.-. 2 hours later we reached to a fenced in community. All of the houses looked big. Bigger than my own house, which wasn't big or small. But these houses look like mansions. We passed by a pool, tennis court, and park.

"You like it here don't you?" my mom asked look amused herself

"Like? I love!" We drove into the drive way and finally came to a stop. My jaw dropped down when I saw how big the house was. I guess I will like it here after all!


How was it so far? Should I continue ?

If it was boring I understand! Aren't all first chapters boring ?!

I deleted the story Invisible To Him because its getting boring and I don't have any ideas for it.

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