How Is It Possible? (Your Thoughts?)

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      Many times in their life, Jean should have been majorly injured or even killed by what happened to them. And yet? They weren't... A flood they should've drowned in, a piece of wood that should have broken the car windshield with her and her mom in the front seats and her little brother in the back, so many chances of car crashes, falling from a tree as tall as their home. So many time, so many chances that they could have died. That their life could have ended and yet... It didn't.

      They don't know how many others are like them or if any are because... Because this seems just near impossible! They don't believe in luck, only karema. But... None of that explains how they are still alive and breathing and not in ICP most of the time. Things have calmed for the most part for them yet still. This question never leaves them anymore.

      'Why am I still alive?'

      'How am I still alive?'

      'What is protecting me?'

      'Who is protecting me?'

      These questions haunt them from time to time. I mean, can you believe they are still alive and well enough to type this out for you to read and understand? Can you explain how this is possible in any sense? Please tell if you do because they have no clue how this is possible and sometimes believe that all of this is nothing more than a dream. Would you be able you lived through all of this and more?

      Because I don't. I don't' know how I am still alive after everything that's happened to me. From when I was little to this point in my life.I can't explain why all this happened to me, how I'm still alive, or anything of the sort. I always wonder what I have done to be able to avoid death and injury so many times over and over.

      If you have a thought as to why, leave a comment below. I'm curious to see what you all have in mind for this chapter to be honest.

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