Mad Love

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      "I need a gangsta, to love me better than all the others do..." The tune echoed through her headphones as she sung aloud.

      "To always forgive me, ride or die with me. That's just what gangsters doooo..." Night had fallen as she had finally arrived back to her apartment from a very exhausting work day.

"I'm fucked up, I'm black and blue. I'm built for it, all the abuse..." Her words matching her story as faded marking surround her calves, hands, and neck though who was there to see it? The only light was the street lamp and no one was nearby... At least, that's how it seemed.

      "I got secrets that nobody, nobody, nobody knows..." She began twirling as if this all was a good thing to her. As if she was just another pretty, understood, psychotic Harley Quinn who was just needing her Mr. J or Deadshot to take her away. Whomever it was, it wouldn't matter to her, she was already lost to the world. She giggles at the next line before skipping into the part afterwards, seeing as she knew children were still about where she lived.

      "I don't want what I can get..." A figure unknown to her moves throughout the shadows towards her swaying body. The wind picks up, blowing her long locks up off her neck as she makes her way slowly out of the parking lot.

      "I want someone with secrets that nobody, nobody, nobody knows..." Her voice turned from happy and careless to soft and broken. She froze as the song continued while her own thought fought each other on right and wrong. Do and don't. Yes and no.

      "I need a gangsta..." She softly sobbed the line as she slowly descended to the ground, her knees hitting the ground with a thud.

      "Secrets nobody, nobody, nobody knows..." She was built for the pain, to endure the marks, scars, and bruises all her life. Her body was crafted for this, all of this and yet... She just simply wants to be loved, seen, heard, and free.

      "Why me...?" She cried quietly as she pulled out her earbud though her playlist continued on. "Why...?" She lifted her head to the sky as if they would answer her prayers. Just by chance, they did this one time. Instead of seeing the cloudless moonlit sky, she found herself staring into a pair of red marked out eyes painted across and cracked blood ridden mask. There was a jagged smile across the whole thing from end to end where a mouth should be.

      "Why you?" A soothing voice cooed at her from behind the strange yet intriguing mask. "My dear, have you been hurt?" He asked her.

      "Yes..." She simply stated.

      "All of your life?" He asked another question. She responded the same as before. "Do you want to know a little secret as to why?" Her breathing silence as she stared onto this complete peculiar stranger.

      "Why?" She asked him instead of the sky.

       "The reason," he slowly leaned down and whispered so purely into her ear, "Is because you were never meant for their world. You were always meant for MINE..." His answer, a soft breath against her neck, sent chills down her spine but in a way that she seemingly enjoyed. A wicked grin grew upon her lips as she simply asked him one little question that started it all.

      "Then why don't you take me away, mister?" She giggled madly and oh if she only knew how much this made his smile behind his mask. He had been awaiting for this day and this day alone. Her would finally have his perfect little disaster. His true chaotic heart which paired with his own and only his. He would finally have... His little psychotic Harleen Quinzel.

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