Death's Angel

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      There they stood. Face to face. Both appear pure as day though neither truly are. Though.. Only one pair of hands are dirtied.
      "Why?" He asks so softly to her. "Why not allow me to take of this?" Her eyes never break from his as a fierce passion swarms through her being. Tightening her bloody fists, she sighs and tells him what was always on her mind.
       "Because one like you should never lose such purity. Someone who has never seen death first hand should never be one to deal death out to others. I have seen and now I have done both. You may wish that you had ended but I am glad to say you did not. You are someone I wish to keep from the world of cruelty and brutality. I pray you never take a life away for that is why I am your other half. You are my better half for this reason. In most stories told, it is the man that takes the spot of the monster but I will not allow that for you. You are my Guardian Angel so let me your Death Demon. You will bring Light. I will bring Dark. You are Peace. I am Chaos. You are Life. I am Death.
      "This is how it is to be," she whispers the ending with such care that it all but rings through the air. "I never want you to see the life drain from someone's eyes. I never wish you to see the blood that has been and will be spilled. I want you to still be able to believe there is good in a world so broken as ours. Now please... I beg of thy... Let me be the Monster as you be Protector.." A single tear trails past the grim and blood plastered to her cheeks.

      "I will.." He answers, slowly brushing away the single drop. "For your sake, I will allow this. Though.." He cups her cheek sweetly, "if any dare harm you, they will pay. That day and that day alone will I harm another because you are my love and no one shall ever harm you." She bows her head and nods silently. With a small smile playing at his lips, he lifts her before carrying her off to be cleaned and loved.

      ''You may see yourself as the wolf, yet I see my strong little red riding hood who has overcome the monster from within..."

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