Chapter Seven

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Harry's eyes lit up as he hugged me tightly and picked me up. I hugged back and caught a glimpse of the other guys. Louis was looking down, Liam and Niall looked like they were brought to tears, and Zayn looked angry. I'm guessing it's because our date didn't go exactly as planned. Zayn was brought to consideration when I had to think this all out, but I don't remember much from our date. And, that's when I caught Nick cheating on me. It was a horrible night and I wish I could forget it forever. I wish I could forget Nick forever. He's burned a big hole through my heart and I hope Harry can fix it. I screwed my eyes shut and tried getting the images of the boys faces out of my head, but they were glued to my mind. I felt bad for them, but I just wasn't feeling it for all of them. While I was thinking this all through, I felt a connection with Harry and Niall. As I kept thinking, my mind switched to Harry and Louis, then to Harry and Liam. If I took Harry into consideration three times, then he has to be the one I have the strongest feelings for. I don't know.. I like them all and I wish it was easy for me to choose and I wish my decision wouldn't hurt any of them in any way.

Harry set me down and released the hug. He was still smiling widely with his adorable dimples showing. He leaned down and we shared a small kiss and whispered "I'll fix you." I smiled widely at his kind words and one of the guys coughed awkwardly to remind us they were still in the room.

"Well, I'm going to go to sleep."

"Can I come?" Harry asked.

"Sure." I walked up to the room I'm staying in and Harry followed behind me. I changed into something comfortable to sleep in and I turned around to see Harry in only basketball shorts. He smiled at me and plopped onto the bed. He patted beside him and I laid down, looking up at him when he propped himself up by his elbow. Harry put his hand on my chin and tilted it up to have my eyes looking in his. He leaned down and kissed me slowly until he deepened it. I put my hands through his mop of hair and we held it there for what felt like forever. We pulled away from each other eventually.

"Goodnight," I smiled. I laid on my side completely and Harry wrapped his arms around me and whispered goodnight into my ear. I think I picked the right guy.

I woke up to what sounds like nails being dragged across a chalkboard. I covered my ears tightly and Harry's face lit up. He was out of the room in seconds. Once the sound was over, I uncovered my ears and ran downstairs. I saw the boys outside and I joined them in the cold weather.

"They're somewhere around this house! Look around!" Are they looking for wolves? I went to the side of the house to see if I could find what they were looking for. I was pulled away from the house and behind a wide tree.

"What do you want, Nick?"

"I want to explain myself."

"Fine. Go."

"Okay, listen. Remember those days where I acted so weird and I couldn't tell you why? That was when I was changed into what I am. I had to be trained and that explains why I came home late those nights and why I was gone during the day. They eventually taught me what imprinting is, but I didn't exactly know how to do it. Zhamari was learning with me as well and well.. We did it to each other without even realizing. I never liked her when I first met her. I still don't. She's such a slut, but she forces me to do things. And, we're imprinted on each other so we're supposed to be together for the rest of our lives but neither of us want that. I want you, not her. I don't care about her." The pieces are slowly connecting together. It makes sense now why he was acting so weird for a while back then and why he didn't answer my calls and why he was too busy to be with me. The main question that was on my mind was: why didn't he just tell me?

"Why didn't you just tell me you were a wolf?"

"I thought you would think I was crazy and I thought you would get freaked out if you saw what I'm capable of doing." The hole in my heart is slowly closing. My feelings for him are coming back again. I knew he wasn't a bad person. He's too good to be bad because that's just how he is. But what about Harry? We just got together yesterday and I belong to one of them. Not Nick.

"But... I don't belong with you Nick." He sighed deeply.

"I know. But you love me, don't you?" To be honest, I'm not completely sure.

"I'm not completely sure because of what happened at the bar. But I have to tell you stuff."

"Like what?"

"Well, I went on five dates. One with all of the boys. Harry and I kissed, Liam and I kissed... But I think what you'll need to worry about is Zayn and I's date."

"What happened?" He growled.

"I.. I got drunk and Zayn did too. When we were in a room, I told him to make love to me so we ended up having drunk sex. He had a condom on, though. Don't worry about me being pregnant."

"What?!" I saw the rage build up inside of him and I'm pretty sure one of the guys heard him.

"I'm sorry!"

"Not important right now. I want you back, baby. Please come home with me? Please?" He begged. I couldn't help but to give into his forgiveness.

"Okay, okay. But... We're not supposed to be together!"

"Maybe we are. Maybe they're off on something. Please come home with me."

"But they'll find me!"

"Not with me around. Let's go." Nick pulled me away with him and I pulled back a little to stop him.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"This doesn't feel right, Nick. I.. I have Harry."

"He'll hurt you."

"How do you know?"

"Because I've seen what those guys do."

"What do you mean? They've treated me better than you have." I covered my mouth immediately and his face hardened.

"I can treat you better than anyone ever could. You barely know these guys, Zoe! What are you doing with them? You trust them to tell you that you belong with them? Do you know how much of a lie that could be?" He reasoned angrily. He does have a good point and I'm starting to see how stupid I am for getting into this. They just want to get into my pants, don't they? Zayn has already gotten to that point.

"We're not lying about this, Zoe. We don't want to just use you for sex." I turned around and saw Harry standing there.

"He's lying."

"I'm not."

"I can tell he is!"

"Stop acting so innocent! You don't love her! She doesn't even belong with you! Why do you keep trying? You're just jealous that you can't treat someone how they're supposed to be treated when it comes to a relationship."

"Zoe don't listen to him. I love you more than anything in this universe. I love you so much that it hurts. I didn't mean to hurt you in any way. I didn't want to scare you with who I am, what I've become. This is the first time I've made a mistake like this. Can't you give me a second chance? Please? I promise that I won't screw up this time."

"Harry.. Nick had a good point earlier. I believed you guys when you told me about the whole mate thing and I don't even know if I can trust you guys completely. I don't know you all."

"Then get to know us. We're not lying about anything, I promise. We've been looking for our mate for years and we're so desperate to find who it is. You have no idea how happy it made us just to know that we might have who we're looking for. You do not belong with Nick. He's brainwashing you. Listen to me, not him."

"That's a good point too. Argh, I don't know what to do! Both of you have good points! Harry, I barely know any of you and I don't know how you guys act. Nick, I don't belong with you."

"He's lying about the whole mate thing!" Nick shouted. Harry pounced on top of Nick and they got into an aggressive fight. I covered my eyes so I wouldn't watch what was happening. My feelings are so strong for Harry and I don't know if I can even trust Nick anymore. This is one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make. I heard a loud cry, then another after that. I opened my eyes to see both of them laying on the floor. Harry was holding his leg and Nick was holding onto his neck. What just happened? I rushed over to them and saw a huge wolf-like bite on Harry's leg. Nick must've bitten Harry's thigh and Harry must've bitten Nick's neck.

"Are you guys okay??" The question was mostly to Harry but that wouldn't be right if I only asked him.

"Don't worry, I'll heal eventually," Harry explained.

"Same," Nick whined.

"What do you mean eventually?"

"Well usually we- ah, shit. Usually we heal in very little time but since this bite was from a wolf, it'll take longer to heal. Same for him. Since I'm a vampire, that'll take longer to heal."

"How long?"

"I'm not sure, really. The fight is in just a week and if this isn't healed, I don't think I'll be able to fight." The bite was right on Harry's thigh and I felt sorry for the pain he's feeling. It hurts for me to see him hurt.

"What happened over here?" I snapped my head to where the voice came from and saw Niall and Liam standing there.

"Why is Nick still here?" Niall asked angrily.

"They got into a fight over me.. Harry got bit on the thigh and Nick was bitten on the neck."

"Can you get up, Harry?" Harry tried and failed. He tried again, but harder, and got up. He lifted his leg just a bit so he wouldn't apply as much pressure on it. I helped Nick up and he was still holding his neck. He looked at his hand to see blood all over it. I looked at the bite and scrunched my nose. Both of the bites look pretty wicked.

"Harry, I think you should just let Zoe go with him," Liam sighed. Louis and Zayn came out right before Liam announced that.

"What?" the other boys questioned.

"Nick isn't going to stop until she goes with him. And, she's going to end up coming back anyways. You know how Nick is." Nick glared at him but Liam didn't seem to notice.

"But.. I don't know about this. What if he hurts her?"

"Well we'll be here for her whether she gets hurt physically of emotionally. Does that sound like a good compromise to you, Zoey?"

"I guess," I slowly shrugged. I liked the idea because it would keep Nick away from them, but I don't like the idea because I would have to be away from them. I walked over to a sad Harry and hugged him gently, making sure not to hurt him. I hugged the other boys too and whispered "maybe I'll be back" before I went inside and began packing my things. I didn't pack a whole lot of things because I know I'll be back eventually. I'm most likely on the guys' side because the wolves are fighting against them for no reason. If there is a reason, I don't know it. I feel like it's because if me because of what happened with Nick and I. I would still take the vampires' side because to me, that's a stupid reason to fight. Killing lives and hurting each other just because of that? It's unreasonable and uncalled for.

I finished up getting some of my belongings and I walked back out to Nick. All of the boys gave me sad smiles and I returned it before I followed Nick to his house.

"It feels so good to have you back!" Nick exclaimed while walking upstairs to his bedroom.

"Can't I just go back home and leave my stuff there like how things were?"

"No, you should stay here with me." I nodded and smiled lightly.

"You can put your stuff in that empty dresser over there if you want," he shrugged. I did as he said and Nick gave me a tight hug. I returned it and closed my eyes.

"I missed you so much."

"Do you mean that?" I questioned while looking up at him.

"Yes, I do." I let go of the hug and kept my eyes on his.

"So what are you going to do with that Zhamari girl?"

"I'll have to figure something out. I have to go do something, okay?"

"For what?"


"Uh, okay."

"Bye, babe." Nick gave me a short kiss and he was off. I have a feeling I'm going to regret being with him again.

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