Chapter Nine

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Please read the Author's Note on the bottom!!


"What is Nick doing here?" Niall asked.

"That's what I was wondering," Liam said while walking into the kitchen.

"Guys.." Harry started.

"Why? You guys don't want me here? Harry's the one who invited me." All the attention was directed to Harry.

"Look guys. I can't just invite Zoe. Nick wouldn't like that. I invited them both that way Zoe could be here. We were all depressed without her and I know that all of us want to see her again. I didn't do this to cause trouble. I did this for us to see her again and for her to get out of the house and go to a party. And, it's Louis' birthday. I know he'd want her here."

"Harry.. That means a lot. Thank you," Louis smiled. Louis walked over to Harry and gave him a small, short hug.

"I knew you only wanted me here for her."

"Then why did you still come?"

"So Zoe could have fun. She was in the house all day, at least I think, and I wasn't with her because I had to do something for work."

"Work, huh?" Zayn said in an accusing voice.

"Yeah, work. I got a job."

"Doing what?" Zayn scoffed.

"I work for one of the wolves and they pay me so it's a job. Anymore questions?"

"Stop trying to act so innocent," Harry said while rolling his eyes.

"What can you prove, Styles?" he growled.

"If I catch what you do then I can prove that you're still with that girl!" he fired back.

"What?" I suddenly got into the conversation.

"Why are you making up so many lies?" Nick barked.

"I know what you do, Nick. You're a sick person and you cheat on every girl you've been with and I know that you are STILL doing this to Zoe. You've hurt her once, so why hurt her again??"

"I'm NOT going to hurt her!" Nick yelled and pounded his fist on the table. I heard it crack a bit. Wow, that must've hurt.

"Zoe. Who's side are you on?" Harry asked.

"I.. I-I don't know.."

"She's on my side. She barely knows you! Can't you get that through your head?!"

"And can't you get it through your head that she DOES NOT belong with a mutt?!" Everyone gasped at how harsh Harry's words were.

"I can't wait for that fight because I will snap. Your. Neck and break your head off, Styles," Nick growled.

"I'm not scared of you, Watson. Never was and never will be. Be ready for the fight because the vampires will devour you guys this time." Both of them were shaking with anger but everybody was too scared to stop them because they can easily pounce on you and hurt you in a matter of seconds. Nick still has a point about me not knowing them but I believe Harry. I believe the whole mate thing. Why would he go through all of this trouble if it wasn't true?

"Guys. Stop!" I got between them and Nick barked and growled at me. I backed away, frightened, and bumped into Zayn. I dug my face into his chest to hide myself and he wrapped his arms around me while rubbing my back.

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