Chapter Seventeen

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Surprise in the Author's Note at the bottom! ☺️

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"Let's recall what happened last time, shall we? You were supposed to be with me. All of the boys were supposed to die. You told me you were going to kill them all. You said that they deserve the pain. How could you lie to me like that? You were right about what you said in there. All you do is cause misery. You weren't meant for this life. You weren't meant for any life, really. This world has no space for you. I'll make sure you'll leave it. Just like how you made sure Nick would leave."

"I'm not afraid of you Scott. Stop acting like you're scaring the shit out of me because you're obviously not." I was somewhat lying to him. I was a little scared on the inside because I don't know what it's like to literally be ripped apart into pieces and burned to death. I can guarantee anyone that I'll be thinking of Nick when it happens to me. I'll be experiencing the pain I caused on Nick. To be honest, the thought of being killed brings a bit of happiness because it will end the pain. Yes, I'll be in a lot of physical pain from dying. But the emotional pain won't be there anymore. It'll be nonexistent.

"Maybe I should just force you to be a part of my pack. What do you think, guys?"

"I think that's a fantastic idea." After hearing a few words from that person, it was easy to point out who that was. It was Dylan. I still can't believe that he was at my own house. I don't even know if that's my house anymore. What upsets me is that he was the one that delivered the news that my parents were dead and the fact that wolves are the ones that killed them. I thought about it for a little and got furious. These monsters killed my parents. My own family. The people that gave birth to me. They were the ones that gave me this life. I want to see them. I can't wait to see them again.

"I will never join your pack. I rather be a vampire for the rest of my life. Anyone is smart enough than to make the decision of joining your pathetic pack."

"Ooh, feisty. That's exactly how I like my girls." It was clear that he was smirking judging from his voice.

"I am not your girl!" I screamed out. He knows how to get to me easily. After saying that, the boys ran out and stood by my side.

"Go away Scott," Louis said in an angry tone. Why is he sticking up for me?

"What are you guys doing out here? Go away! You don't need to risk your lives anymore. I'll be gone and you'll all still be alive."

"Listen, Zoe. We need you. I realized how much we really do need you. I'm sorry for being so an asshole to you. That's just how I get. We all have to stick together, Zoey. You're the Vampire Queen for the love of god. It's not just us that needs you." I bet someone convinced him into apologizing. I don't expect this from Louis.

"Well, this will be the last time you guys are sticking together. We can have another fight. A small between my large pack against your small group of vampires. Sound fair?" Scott threw it over the edge. I'm not holding it in anymore.

"No! Can't you see that fighting doesn't even help ANY situations?! I'm not going to let any of these people die. It might seem like I'm living through hell right now with how my life is going, but that doesn't mean I'm going to let you take these people away from me. Now that I think about, all of this stupid shit between vampires and wolves is what makes things so much harder than they already are! You guys make me want to pull my hair out. I went out with one of your kind and that was the biggest mistake I've ever made. The only good thing about that fight was that I got to kill Nick. He deserved it. He used me. I'm not going to waste my time on you anymore. It's useless. I will find a way to be the way I am and not turn into one of you. I would hate myself if I did."

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