Chapter Eighteen

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"Please don't do this. I'm so tired of fighting. I'm tired of hurting." I started to get tears in my eyes, but Nick didn't notice.

"I'm sorry, but it's for the best. At least in my case it is."

"That's not fair though! I literally asked for none of this. Do you think I wanted a boyfriend that just used me? Do you think I asked to be who I am right now? I have a kid in me, dammit! It's growing and who knows what will happen now that I'm going to turn into a wolf." I put the palms of my hands on the side of my head and squeeze my eyes shut. This is too much pressure. I screamed out. I needed that more than anything at the moment. I just need to let some things out to keep me sane. I looked at him with complete rage filled in my eyes.

"I want to go back to Natasha's Halloween party. I want to go back to when I said yes when you asked me out. I wish I made myself say no. You're sick, you know that? How many times have you tricked me now?? I actually thought you were going to kill yourself. I don't even know why I bothered to care! I should've just listened to Zayn, but my feelings always get in the way."

"Feelings? You still have feelings for me? Is that why you came after me?" After he said the first word, I regretted telling him what I said. I wasn't thinking about what I wanted to say and it just came out of me.

"No. I don't have feelings for you. I never will have feelings for you again, Nick. You don't deserve me anyways."

"Ah, so that's how you want to approach this situation."

"I don't know what you're ta—" a sudden sharp pain went through my entire body and affected me mostly in my stomach. I doubled over and put my hands over my stomach. I couldn't help but to groan loudly.

"What's wrong? Is the baby hurting you?" Nick's voice sounded childish. If I were to be standing right now, he'd get punched right in the face right now.

"No! You're hurting me!"

"Awh, poor baby. I'm not doing anything at all," he said in that same annoying, childish voice. His tone suddenly got serious. "You're transforming. It's happening quite fast and I'm enjoying seeing you in pain at a time like this." I closed my eyes and thought of other things to try to ignore the pain I feel.

I began to try to figure out a plan to get myself out of this situation. I will never understand why I have to be put into this situation out of all people. Maybe it's the karma getting to me. I never really believed in that stuff but now I'm second guessing it all. I've stolen candy as a kid, but that was because I didn't know better. I was rude to people who bullied me. There's just so many things. All we really need in this world is peace that way I wouldn't have this feeling of hatred towards people. Who would even believe that this human vampire stuff is real anyways? It's like telling someone that the centaurs from Narnia were real. Of course everyone knew wolves exist. But who knew that humans actually transform into it and turn into wolves?

"I have a question that I've honestly been wondering for a while. How do people not know about us? I mean we just had that HUGE fight and no one saw it? It's not even like we're real, you know? It's kind of depressing." As I was thinking a few moments ago, I was thinking about messing with Nick's feelings this time.

"I don't know." He sounded irritated.

"It sucks knowing you don't exist to others... I've been having that feeling for a while now. I can't even show myself around others. You know what I mean?"

"Well you just had to be a vampire, huh? At least people know that wolves are real."

"Why are you being so difficult?" I sighed.

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