Chapter 7

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Damian's pov

When I came back to the manor, I went straight to my room and pulled out a pile of paper of my drawer of my desk. It was all the researches I made on my classmates. In a second, I found the paper about Y/N

Name : Y/N L/N

Age : 19

Studies : psychology, literature, biology, art

Family : orphan

Other : X

So, she is an orphan. I thought I shouldn't talk about her family in front of her like that.

Suddenly, I heard her words in my head : '' Why do you care ? ''

She's right. Why do I care about her ? She is no one for me. She is just the new target of my friend.

But her eyes filled of tears that she refused to let go, gave me the need to protect her.

But why ?

Y/N pov

I stayed silent when Penguin tell me that he wanted me to enter in the police station and go in the evidence room to recover his precious statuette.

I stayed silent when I began to dressed with my black outfit.

And I stayed silent when I came in the black car.

I stayed silent, I didn't say a word but I could hear my heart beat in my chest. I stayed silent to control myself and don't let me cry.

Because this mission it's a complete suicid.

The police station ? With all these cops ? How  could he think I can succeed this mission ?

While the car drove trought Gotham City, I closed my eyes and tried to stop my hands to tremble of fear.

So it's like that. All my world end like that ? I will be caught by the cops and thrown in a ceil for the rest of my life ?

'' You will not be catch. You are smart. You can do it '' I said in my head. My hands stopped to shake .

'' Yes maybe I can do it '' I thought '' Maybe ... ''

The car stopped in front of a old building. I got out of the car and and climbed the fire escapes of the building , to hit the roof.

When I looked down, I could see the car go away. Now I was alone.

I sighted before jumping from roof to roof. Finally I arrived on the roof of the police station. I could see the equipment needed to call Batman with light in the sky .It was off.

Like I was thin, I could pass in the building by the air duct.

While I crawled in it, between dust and dead insects, I could hear cops talk each other.

Finally I reached the room of evidence. I filled  of shelves cover by boxes.

No one was here. Maybe I will be lucky this time.

Quickly I found the statuette whom was in one of the box. I was about to come back in the air duct when a cop entered in the room.

 We looked each other, shocked.

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