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I took an empty seat that was secluded from every other lunch table. I'm the new girl in the school. I moved here from America. And now I'm in the "city of love". That sucks.

    "Adrien?" I asked as a boy walked towards me.

"Y/N?" He asked aloud as he smiled.

I remember when Adrien and I first met. It was a long time ago...


    I stood in the far end of the line. It was a dark and gloomy day, the rain splattered on my bright pink umbrella. I was waiting on the line for hours, just to get my mother free groceries for a picnic. I wasted my play time for that. I was 5 years old. Who in their right mind would leave their young child outside with strangers? I have zero clue.

    Then suddenly, a fight broke out. It was a very aggressive and violent fight, not something you would see normally. The men faced me, and charged at me. I closed my eyes, ready for impact. But instead of a huge impact, it was a shove. I fell to the floor in minimal pain. A pale hand appeared in front of me. And it was none other than Adrien.


FRIEND ZONED? (Cat Noir x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now