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noun: love; plural noun: loves

1. 1.

an intense feeling of deep affection.

"babies fill parents with intense feelings of love"

synonyms: deep affection, fondness, tenderness, warmth, intimacy, attachment, endearment; More

devotion, adoration, doting, idolization, worship;

passion, ardor, desire, lust, yearning, infatuation, besottedness

"his friendship with Helen grew into love"

compassion, care, caring, regard, solicitude, concern, friendliness, friendship, kindness, charity, goodwill, sympathy, kindliness, altruism, unselfishness, philanthropy, benevolence, fellow feeling, humanity

"their love for their fellow human beings"

relationship, love affair, romance, liaison, affair of the heart, amour

"their love will survive"

antonyms: hatred

o a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone.

"it was love at first sight"

synonyms: become infatuated with, give/lose one's heart to; More

informalfall for, be bowled over by, be swept off one's feet by, develop a crush on

"she didn't mean to fall in love with him"

infatuated with, besotted with, enamored of, smitten with, consumed with desire for;

captivated by, bewitched by, enthralled by, entranced by, moonstruck by;

devoted to, doting on;

informalmad/crazy/nuts/wild about

"he's in love with Gillian"

o a personified figure of love, often represented as Cupid.

noun: Love

o a great interest and pleasure in something.

"his love for football"

synonyms: liking of/for, enjoyment of, appreciation of/for, taste for, delight for/in, relish of, passion for, zeal for, appetite for, zest for, enthusiasm for, keenness for, fondness for, soft spot for, weakness for, bent for, proclivity for, inclination for, disposition for, partiality for, predilection for, penchant for

"her love for fashion"

o affectionate greetings conveyed to someone on one's behalf.

synonyms: best wishes, regards, good wishes, greetings, kind/kindest regards

"my mother sends her love"

o a formula for ending an affectionate letter.

"take care, lots of love, Judy"

2. 2.

a person or thing that one loves.

"she was the love of his life"

synonyms: beloved, loved one, love of one's life, dear, dearest, dear one, darling, sweetheart, sweet, angel, honey; More

lover, inamorato, inamorata, amour, paramour

"he was her one true love"

o Britishinformal

a friendly form of address.

"it's all right, love"

o Britishinformal

used to express affectionate approval for someone.

noun: a love

"don't fret, there's a love"

3. 3.

(in tennis, squash, and some other sports) a score of zero; nil.

"love fifteen"


verb: love; 3rd person present: loves; past tense: loved; past participle: loved; gerund or present participle: loving

1. 1.

feel a deep romantic or sexual attachment to (someone).

"do you love me?"


care very much for, feel deep affection for, hold very dear, adore, think the world of, be devoted to, dote on, idolize, worship; More


So I think I went overboard eh? With the whole love thing?

Hmph. So maybe that's true. I <3 Adrien eh? Well that's bad. Ugh.

I lied down on my pink bed, and curled into a ball. "So, what do you want to do now?" I ask Adrien.


You'll never guess what the beautiful guy said next.

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