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    friend zone

noun informal

noun: friend zone; plural noun: friend zones

a situation in which a friendship exists between two people, one of whom has an unreciprocated romantic or sexual interest in the other.


"I CAN'T WITH YOU GUYS! YOU ARE TERRIBLE PARENTS!!!" I yell, slamming the door as I walk out of the house into the snowy atmosphere.

    My parents ran after me but I ignored them. They stood at the door, waiting for me to pretend like this was a movie, thinking I would run after them and embrace them in a hug. But it's isn't like that. No happy movie here.

I looked back at them as I crossed the street. And then it happened.

Head lights, hit.


    Y/N was struck by a nearby truck. She instantly was knocked out, her bones crackling as the tire rolled over her right ankle. Her parents ran over to her, not really caring about the fact that they were upset at one another. They quickly called the cops. They hoped that the man would be found since this poor "accident" was a hit and run.

    Nearby was Adrien and his dear friend Nino. The sounds of sirens caught their attention. They ran towards the ambulance, which was right in front of Y/N's house.

    "Wait... that's Y/N's house..." Adrien's eyes widened.

    They immediately notice Y/N's parents crying. So they ran up to them.

    "W-What is happening?" But Y/N's mother didn't answer. She just hugged him and pointed at a bloody girl—Y/N.

    He frowned, tears welled up in his eyes. Nino patted his shoulder. His comfort didn't help. He just ran home in fear and sadness.

~~~Time skip~~~

    Y/N finished her surgery. It went seemingly well. Adrien tried to cope. Even Plagg took a break from his cheese to comfort. And as much as Adrien didn't want to see his friend hurt, he wanted to support her. So he agreed with Plagg's idea in meeting her the next day.

All he could do at night was cry.



FRIEND ZONED? (Cat Noir x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now