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Kabira slowly walked back to the common room. Once she entered it, she wasted no time in approaching the door she had earlier notice. Locked. She rolled her eyes. Of course.

As she knelt in front of the lock, she mentally left a note of thanks to the Lord that it wasn't one of those coded doors. For once, she felt grateful to herself to take her time in pinning up her hair instead of tying it in a usual ponytail. It took her few seconds, after which the lock opened with a soft 'click'. She hastily put the pin back on her hair and stood up. In the process, she bent her knees and discarded her 6-inches heels.

Good riddance.

She eyed them with vehemence knowing that she couldn't really leave them behind without risking suspicion. She picked them up. In no way was she going to wear them. It was not only because they were killing her legs but also because the loud clicking sound would raise her to their platter easily. Maybe with a note: "Good Master! Here is your meal! Go ahead and finish her." Kabira gave a snort.

Real mature Kabi, very mature!

She slowly pushed the door open and peeked outside. The long corridor was empty in front of her.

She again turned back and gave a quick once over before walking out and close the door behind her with a soft thud.

Okay so no being caught.

The corridor had rooms on its either sides. Muffled sounds buzzed the whole corridor. To get a more distinct understanding, she pressed her ear to one of the doors. And what she heard left her confused.

They were actually moans, pure pleasure filled moans.

She felt her eyebrows draw in from confusion. Were the girls here broken and twisted so much that they enjoyed being been raped?

She made a mental note to ask Melissa about it later. She lightly pulled away from the door and made her way to the end of the corridor where it ended with another locked door. She looked around her and found a staircase leading to the next floor. She bit her lip and contemplated on her next course of action. This floor looked hopeless to her anyway. However, she didn't want to miss anything and then bite her hands knowing how close she had been in unveiling an useful piece of info. At the last minutes decision, she spun around 90 degree and took two stairs at once. She needed to reach the top before she suffered from indecision again.

As she neared the top, she slowed down and started taking cautious steps. Once she reached the last step, she quickly turned right and crouched in the shadow.

"What's the matter?" a man asked. He walked with brisk steps. He looked worried about something.

Kabira held her breathe as he stood in front of her. She was lucky he had his back turned towards her. If by any chance, he turned around....

She coiled and tensed her arms, ready to spring on him at the first notice. However, that wasn't necessary anymore. A loud crash sounded from her right. The man must have had heard it too. He immediately disconnected the call with a "Will talk later" and ran towards the source of the sound. She waited for a few seconds before she came out of her hiding place and started following him, keeping a few meters distance between them. She knew the risk she was taking. She was confident enough that she could take him down but she was also confident that she would be caught as a result. However, from her work experience, she had fair idea about how people behaved when they suddenly sensed danger coming from one direction. They didn't bother turning back.

She ducked behind a pillar for safety precaution as the man neared a closed door and knocked on it.

Or more specifically, banged on it.

She waited long enough for him to walk in and close the door behind. Then with two sharp breathe, she tip toed towards the door and pressed her ear against it. For a while, even with her trained fingers, it was especially hard for her to make out about what they were talking. Then suddenly there was one more crash. She immediately stepped back and aside with her body shifting into a defensive stance.

However, what she heard next left a chill running down her spine.

"He wants a Claim Power?" a very familiar voice snarled, "Well then, I'll show the Flints what a Claim Power actually is."

Kabira took another step back and covered her mouth to stop the gasp from coming out. A Claim Power was going to take place. Why didn't she know about it? Why did no one in the department know about it?

Maybe the Flints have just announced it.

Her mind tried to reason with herself. However, it wasn't enough.

For the first time, she didn't want the Families to go mad dog against each other.

Not with her family still in the scene.


Hi there Weirdoes! Hope you liked it. I know it was a bit boring but this chapter is like a filter chapter.

One of the next chapters will have one Kames moment and then.......

You'll see.

So stay tuned.

Till then




Bye :)

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