13.Anxiety, Anger and... something else

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  "No amount of regretting can change the past, and no amount of worrying can change the future." 

― Roy T. Bennet

She rolled back to her original position.

Her left hand lay under her head and her right lay beside her while she lay on her front on her dungeon floor.

Not a blink of sleep and the darkness had already started singing a heavenly chorus of Adieu. Only if she could have done the same too! She sighed and rolled over again, lying on her back this time with her hands covering her face.

Then unable to lie down uselessly anymore, she sat up. Still feeling useless, she abruptly stood up and started pacing inside her cell.

A claim of power, popularly called Claim Power was going to take place. Families fought against one another either to fulfill some kind of vengeance or simply to become more powerful and wealthy. This was the time when the powerful Families were both weak and strong, the perfect timing for police spies to crawl into their web and tear them apart. It was exactly the reason why they always tried to do it as silently as possible. 'Never recruit new men and execute every suspicious ones' were their main rules. The last one had been when Leonard Brown tried to claim Rosalind Criggs' power. The end had been a fleshy pulp and bloody as hell with Mrs. Criggs cancelling the complete Brown Family brutally from the equation. While the news had immensely pleased her and her colleagues then - after all one less Family to worry about - now it only brought worries and -

Kabira stopped pacing and rested her head o the stony wall. The cold bit into her skin after a while but she didn't feel it. A small whimper escaped her mouth.



Until now, James had not done anything drastic to her. Humiliated her? Yes.

Kissed her against her will?


However, those weren't enough to break her down. She had only one weakness and he knew that. He would use them. No doubt. For the first time in her life, her emotional self completely took hold of her whole being while her logical one stood and watched that happen, helplessly. She wrapped her arms around herself and sunk down on her knees.

It seemed like the temperature of the room had suddenly gone down a few more notches.


The scene that enrolled in front of him - thanks to the hidden CCTV camera - confused him.

For some unfathomable reason, he had been delaying what he had in mind - breaking her apart. Nothing that he had done should have been enough to make her whimper, enough to make her... "Cry!", he said in an astonished tone. Somewhere in his cold heart, a tinge of sympathy bloomed for her, making him cringe away from the screen.

"It must be a nervous breakdown," he reasoned with himself. She had been worrying too much about her parents.

Suddenly, unexpectedly, another reason popped up in his mind. Did she... ?

No, that's impossible.

Improbable? Maybe. However, impossible? No.

He looked back at the screen. She was still on the floor. Her small form shook from time to time. Another emotion bloomed in his heart. Only this time, he welcomed it.

Only this time, it wasn't just a tinge of it.

Only this time, it wasn't sympathy, it was anger.

And it came along with a master plan.


A week of complete boredom.

A week of eating alien substances.

Stevens had been angry with her for breaking her knuckles. In addition, she would not lie; she had felt a childish satisfaction in that.

When Stevens had actually come to her cell, she had braced herself for a fight. However, the fight never came. He had just thrown a roll of bandage, cotton and some ointment and antiseptic on her lap and stormed out of the room without a single word.

Oh how she wished, he had slapped her or something. A fight would have successfully broken off the monotony of her life.

Wake up.

Eat... or should she say swallow?



Change bandage...


Curse some more...

Sleep... or rather, try to sleep.

When two stoic looking men had finally come to take her to the Common Room, she had been ecstatic. Outside, she would be able to continue her exploration of the building. Outside she could get more information on the brewing war.

Oh, one should have seen their expression when she had readily agreed to go with them.

However, now that she sat on the chair, wait, did she say, "Sat on the chair"? Okay correction, tied down on a chair with a needle sticking inside her arm, she felt as if the last one week had been heaven.

"There you go. Show some boobs tonight," Ms. D said after she was done, exposing her pearly white teeth and smacked her left breast.

Kabira's fists curled into tight balls. She pasted an extra sweet smile on her face while the guards untied her hands. She strode past them, all the while calling her the most colorful names one had ever heard, inside her head.

She stood in front of the closed curtain and took two deep breathes. A part of her considered breaking her knuckles while the other part, the ever-curious one, wanted to unveil the mystery lay beyond this room. The latter won.

She slowly removed the curtain and stepped inside the overly lit room.

She was dazzled. There was so much light, loud music, people like her, women and...


Then it hit her.



Hey there my Weirdoes! Sit tight for we are approaching few intense scenes.

Stay tuned.

Till then




Bye :)

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