31. Old Faces

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Kabira steeled her trembling fingers and took two deep breathes. What she did three weeks ago now conjured inside her a tremendous sense of guilt and shame as she stood in front of the door - the door that separated her from her mother.

She had been yearning to see her parents for weeks. After that evening in the weapon house, she did not care if she had to break Steven's neck to see her parents.

Surprisingly, it did not take her much to convince him.

Maybe it was the kiss, she wondered, Maybe it changed our dynamic.

Did it really? She did not know. She still wanted to escape. She still wanted to pull her parents out of this misery.

But did she want to hurt him?

Fuck! Why does everything have to be so fucked up? , she scrunched her nose in disgust, Maybe this is what Stockholm's Syndrome is.

Behind her, Milan cleared his throat, "Any plan on opening the door tonight?"

Ever since that evening, things were... a little civilized between them. She still hated his guts and he still did not trust her much but still, there was a professional politeness in their behavior... an unspoken truce.

She gave him no response. With a small nod of reassurance to herself - reassurance that her mum was alright - she pushed open the door.


Nikita heard the door click and she jumped out of the bed and scurried away to the farthest corner of the room. 

It must be that man. It must be James Stevens again.

But the door opened and much to her shock, her daughter walked in.

For a moment, they stood - in the opposite ends on the room - and took in each other's appearance... as if they were really trying to believe that their eyes were not playing trick on them. Just the mere knowledge that her daughter was alive made Nikita feel a boundless joy.

Then Nikita spoke, her voice full of an unknown hesitation, "Kabi?"

That broke the sudden stillness in the room. Kabira rushed towards her mother and engulfed her in a tight hug.

Nikita stroke her hair and her back. She took her face in her palms and kissed her forehead. 

Oh! She had missed her! She had missed her daughter so much!

"Oh god mum! Mum!" Kabira said, her voice hoarse with relief, "Are you okay? The bullet wounds... have they healed?"

"Yes, yes," Nikita pulled her daughter to the bed - the only furniture in the room -  and they sat down on it.

"You are bruised," she touched her daughter's face, "Did he... ?"

Kabira shook her head. "Not him, mum. You know I am helping him in the Claim Power. Its really nothing."

For some time, they sat in an uncomfortable silence. Kabira wondered if she should reveal anything further about it. Then she decided against it.

"So... he gave you a bed", Kabira smiled a little.

Nikita nodded. "And food and water and napkins but I want my freedom back Kabi. I know things could have been worse. I know that I shouldn't complain but Kabi... I am just worried about you", she paused, "and your father."

"Mum... ", Kabira closed her eyes and turned away... the guilt of failing her parents, the guilt of kissing him again - willingly this time - crushed her.

Wrapping her arms around her daughter, Nikita pulled her close and slowly stroked her unkempt hair.

"Where is papa now?" Kabira asked slowly.

Nikita shook her head, "I don't know. He always kept your papa separated from me. I get no news about his well being either. I just hope he is okay."


When Kabira finally walked out of the room, she felt exhausted. A shroud of numbness covered her mind as she walked back to her room and lay on her bed.

Her room! Her bed!

She chuckled without mirth. A thousand thoughts crowded her mind and before she knew, her mind had lulled her into a deep slumber.


"Do something! How can you be so cruel?" Kabira screamed.

Her throat was raw from screaming for the past one hour.

"Why is it so hard for you to hurt him? He hurt you! He hurts everybody!" she screamed once again, "ANSWER ME!"

But she heard no answer. The reflection - her reflection - silently stared back at her...

Kabira woke up with a start. She took a minute to organize her thoughts while the drumming inside her chest slowed down to its normal lup-dup.

She felt like it was not a  good decision to meet her mother... especially not now, when everything around her and inside her felt so messed up. She knew that she must get back on the track... the right track this time. End the madness once and for all. All that she needed was a little nudge.

"Oh, you are awake."

Startled out of her thoughts, she swerved to the other end of the bed as her right hand went up and clutched her chest. She was so distracted that she had not even heard his footsteps when he had entered the room.


"Come with me." 

There was no prelude, no explanation... no nothing. Steven's face resembled that of an emotionless mask. She felt confused and at the same time curious. She quickly climbed out of the bed and hurried out of the room to follow Stevens who had already started walking.

She kept up with him with short, brisk steps. In the meanwhile, the sense of confusion was replaced by the sense of dread. She knew something was wrong but he had her parents in captivity.

What more could he snatch away from her life? He had taken everything she has ever had...

Stevens approached a burly man standing in front of a closed door. Even though she had seen him only once and months ago, she could never forget his face.

He was the man she had decided to nick name Burly... he was Donald.

Her eyes widened. A shin of perspiration broke out on her forehead. It was no longer a feeling. She knew something was wrong. She didn't know why her sixth sense was going off madly.

Who could it be?

Stevens acknowledged him with a nod and pushed open the door. 

Kabira's fingers started jerking. She bit her lower lip and crunched her fingers into a tight ball. Then with a deep breathe, she entered the room.

Inside the room, several people were tied up and left on the floor with their heads covered in small cloth sacks. One person sat separated from the group. However, none of that mattered to Kabira. They were wearing uniform... the very uniform that she used to wear with pride a few months ago. 

Suddenly, she knew what was about to happen. 

Even before Stevens had bent down and removed the cover from the head of the lone person, she knew who he was.

Now, as she stared with horror at the smashed up face of the confused and disoriented man sitting in front of her, she could do nothing but whisper one name.


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