21.Helplessness (II)

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An indescribable wave of pain shot through her as she tried to open her eyes. Her eyelids felt heavy and from the insane pain and chills breaking out wherever her skin was been exposed to the cold air, she knew she was having fever.

She tried to move her hands and legs but something was restraining her. She ignored the piercing pain and pried her eyes open. It was dark. She tried to move again.


She felt delirious as laughter bubbled up within her. Her feverish body shook with every spasm of laughter, which soon turned into sobs.

She clamped down her teeth on her lower lips and squeezed her eyes shut as a stray tear escaped her eyes.


James silently stepped inside the room and switched on the lights. He waited for a few moments to let his eyes get used to the brightness before he turned to where Fire was lying.

She was lying motionless on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He cautiously approached her. 


She didn't give him any response.

He slightly sighed, "I'll open your restraints now. Shout at me if you want to, I am giving you this freedom for once but do not try to fight me."

As soon as she was free from her restraints, she sat making him even more wary. She was having a fever, he knew he should tell her to lie down but he thought better of it. Instead, he took a few steps back.

She slowly turned her head and looked at him with a strange blank look.

"Why do you care?", He was shocked to hear how much lifeless her voice sounded. In addition, more than that he was shocked to see how much it bothered him.

She slowly crawled out of the bed and stood in front of him. Her distress was clearly been written on her face but it was as if someone had made her numb to it.

"Why do you care?"

She took a step forward.

"Fire... ", he took a step back.

"Just answer it."

He looked at her blank face and allowed himself feel for her for a few seconds before he simply cut that side of him off.

"You want to know why I care?", he asked, "I care because I need you to suffer. Suffer from guilt... suffer when you will help me in the War, especially after knowing that there is no one but yourself to blame. I want to watch how you break, physically and psychologically, from life to death, and for that, my dear, I need you to be healthy."

She narrowed her eyes a tiny bit and snorted, "All because I have rid the world of a disgusting pest?"

As soon as the words had escaped her mouth, he knew he had lost it, "ALL BECAUSE YOU HAVE KILLED MY BROTHER!"

"Who was NOTHING more than a DAMN KILLER!"

"He killed only those who DESERVED to die!"

"Who the HELL ARE YOU to decide who deserves to die and who doesn't?"

"Do not test my temper!", he could barely control his voice from shaking.

She took another step towards him and whispered, "If stating the truth angers you, I don't give a fvcking damn. And just so you know, he deserved to die too."

That's it! He had had enough of her!

Within a blink of an eye, he picked her up and threw her on the mattress, immediately crawling over her and pinning her down.

"You think everything can be simply divided as black and white? Do you think you know everything about yourself? Well then, open your eyes Fire and let go of those bullshit notions. You have no idea how many lies you've been fed throughout your whole life, so don't think, even for a moment, that your life has not a speck of secret in it."

"You talk as if you know a lot about my life... even more than me," he heard her whisper. There was a strange note to her voice which he couldn't exactly pin point what.

"If so," she continued in the same tone, "then tell me, what do I don't know? What are the lies that have been presented in front of me as truth?"

He gave out a strangled laugh, "If only Fire, if only those were mine to say."

He looked down at her for a while before he slightly shifted his weight off her.

"Fire, I am going to let go of you and change your bandages. This is for your own good. So, do not fight."

He had said more than he intended to. He needed to get his job done and get out of the room before he did something he would later regret... even more than he had after kissing her that one time.


Hey guys!
So I have joined the 'Good as Gold Awards' and Round 3 is going on right now. Moreover, guess what? I am yet to get eliminated!!! :O

Anyway, so if you are reading this message, I just want to tell you that, if you like my story, please go there and leave a message that says, 'I vote for Secrets and Lies by (insert my username here).

Once again, this is not mandatory. If and only IF you want to, then please do this little favor for me my weirdoes. :)

Till then




Bye :)

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