Take A Break [Lams]

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College AU.

The familiar sound of keys were loud in the silence of the apartment. Alexander's voice called out with a quick greeting, the tapping keys never ceasing. John called back to him, hanging his coat up and slipping his shoes off. He glanced at the thermostat, frowning at the frigid temperature.

He called out as he turned the heat up. "Why is it so cold?" There was no response. "Alex!"

"Busy." His voice was half-hearted, his focus else where.

John wandered through the small area, walking through the open doorway of the bedroom. Alexander sat on his bed, a laptop illuminating his face with a blanket wrapped around himself. His fingers raced across the keyboard, his eyes fixed on the screen. John called his name once more, only receiving a hum from the boy. He let out a deep breath, stepping beside the bed and sitting beside his boyfriend as the mattress dipped under their weight.

He rested his head on Alexander's shoulder. He read over the many words, trying to keep up with the new ones constantly appearing on the screen.

...mother has awaited your return, never forgetting your face through the many even as I could never recall a memory. Without a father I have survived the nobles of Ithaka, this great island of yours and your father's before you. I am forever fantasizing about the man known only as Odysseus to me, I...

"The Odyssey?"

"Yeah," he said, his voice drifting away.

"You're actually doing homework instead of writing."

His fingers stopped abruptly. His chest rose and fell with a brief exhale of breath. "It's a bit hard to write when you keep talking to me."

"I'm very sorry."

"No, you're not." Alex readjusted himself, his blanket slipping off his arm.

"You're right." John pulled the blanket back over Alex and his fingers brushed over his frigid skin. "Alex, you're freezing."

"Probably because I've been writing here all day."

John sighed. "You need to get a job."

"Already did that."

John frowned. "When did that happen?"

Alex sighed and pulled the laptop closed and reaching around John to lay it on his desk. "Yesterday. Student journalism for the newspaper."

"More writing?"

Alex pulled the blanket up around his shoulders.

"You're going to burn yourself out one day if you don't take a break."

"Pft, I'll be fine."

John smiled. "That's what you always say."

Alex put his arm around John, sharing his blanket, warm from his body heat all day. John tucked himself against Alex's chest as they both leaned back against the headboard. Alex threw the blanket over the two of them and rested his head on John's. He inhaled deeply, taking in the familiar scent that only John had.

Based Alex's writing off of an assignment I did in English, couldn't remember how I wrote it for the life of me. The assignment was to respond from the perspective of Telemakhos to a poem/letter written from the perspective of Odysseus.

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