Hospital Visit [Jamilton]

668 19 11

Modern au.

"You are sure you cannot come out for drinks tonight?"

Thomas gave his friend a weary smile. "I'm afraid not. I have an essay to write for class tomorrow."

Lafayette shook his head as they walked down the street. "Such a shame, mon ami."

"I'm sure John or Hercules will be more than happy to accompany you."


Thomas stopped at the steps to the public library. "I have to get some books for my studies."

"I will see you tomorrow then," Lafayette said with a smile.

Thomas gave him a wave of his hand and walked up the stone steps and pushed the door open into the library. The traffic sounds and rush of wind all ceased when the door closed behind him. There was hardly a noise in the building, making his footsteps sound as if he were trampling on leaves in the autumn.

Thomas made his way to the history cases and looked through the shelves. He should've been able to find the book he was looking for here. His fingers skipped over a few thick books with worn bindings. A few empty spaces separated them. Someone couldn't have taken all of them. That was preposterous. Who'd need that many books on one person?

He left the book case and made his way to the front desk where he caught the librarian's attention.

"Hello, Thomas," she said with a smile. "Can I help you find something today?"

"I hope so," he responded. "I'm looking for some books on the American Civil War. The ones on the shelf seem to be all taken."

"Another boy came in about an hour ago asking for books on the same subject. He's still here, though. Maybe you could persuade him to give you one."

Thomas nodded. "Could you tell me where he is?"

She pointed far off. "He went upstairs, said he was going to the study hall."

"Thank you," he said with a smile. 

Thomas walked across the main room and walked up the first flight of stairs before he could hear a faint voice from above him. He turned to ascend the next flight to the second floor when he saw Alexander seemingly struggling to carry the six books, half of them lying on the steps.

"What are you doing, Hamilton?"

Alexander looked up, his jaw tight. "Fuck off, Jefferson."

Thomas furled his eyebrows at the immediate violence. "Vicious today, are we?"

"What do you want?" Alexander looked down to the books below him. He reached down to the books on the steps, trying to pick them up without leaning down.

"I need one of those books. You took the books on the Civil War."

"Then take one." He leaned too far forward and lost his balance. He leaned back in an effort to regain his balance before falling on the stairs. He let out a yelp as his foot his the landing.

"Are you okay?" Thomas asked at first. Stupid. He's obviously not all right. "Did you twist your ankle?"

"I tripped down the stairs, all right?" he snapped.

Thomas stepped forward and picked up the books he had dropped, only one remaining in Alexander's grasp. He stood up and held a hand out to him. Alexander only stared at his hand from the floor. Thomas sighed. "Stop being such a prick and let me help you."

Alexander took his hand. Thomas held his hand tightly and pulled him to his feet. Alexander took in a sharp breath as he stood. He fell against Jefferson at first, keeping off his left foot. He looked up to Thomas' face for a moment before pushing off of him to lean on the wall. "Give me the books. I need to put them back."

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