Blessing From Above [Lams]

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John was launched back, his body hitting the ground. Gun shots fired around him, voices shouting. He felt the fiery impact of the bullet in his body. He pushed himself up, his breath heavy.


Eliza sat with Philip in the parlor. He laughed excitedly while his mother played with him. Philip turned himself about and used his mother to pull himself to his feet. Eliza cheered him on, giving him her hands to hold onto once he had made it. She stared at his face, his smile beaming radiance. At once she had an idea. She lowly stood up, not letting Philip go as he tried so hard to keep his balance.

"You want to see what daddy's doing?"

He must have understood. His smile seemed to spread from ear to ear as she lead him through the house and to Alexander's office.
He'd shut himself in there for so long, he hardly stopped working. Eliza worried for him so, ever since the letter of John Laurens arrived.


"What is it?" His voice was soft when he spoke.

"Your son is here to see you."

He looked up from his desk and turned around in his chair, his glasses resting on his nose. A smile greeted them when he saw the two of them together. He seemed to melt at the sight of them. He set his pen down by his papers as he stood. He knelt in front of Philip and Eliza released their son's hands to him.

"Look at you!" he exclaimed. "Learning to walk already!"

Philip smiled in reply, speaking in rambles that Alexander pretended to understand. In one fluid motion, he stood up, lifting Philip into his arms. He looked up as a knock from the door interrupted them. Alexander looked to his wife and put Philip in her arms before going to answer the door.

Washington stood on the doorstep. He smiled at Alexander.

"General Washington," he said somewhat surprised. There wasn't any reason for him to be here, was there?


"What is it?"

"Do not sound so worried," Washington said. "I bring good news."

Alexander did not say a word as the general took a step to the side. Standing right there was a face he never would have guessed he'd see again. Just as he had remembered. "Laurens." He hardly heard his own voice. He wasn't quite sure either of them had heard him either.

"Hello, Alex." His same smile.

Alex took the few steps forward, engulfing Laurens in his arms. "My friend, where have you been?" He felt Laurens wrap his arms around him.

"You know, this and that."

"John, they sent me a letter!" he shouted. "I thought you were dead!"

"Just a bad shot to the arm," he reassured him.

Alex released his tight grip on John to see his face. "Next time, you write a letter. I don't care if your fucking hand is broken! Send a message."

John laughed. "Understood."

Alex sighed, not able to delude the smile over his face even if he had desired to. "Come in for a drink? Sir?" he addressed both men.

"You go," Washington said. "I have work I must attend to." He bid them goodbye, as did they, before departing. Alexander lead John into his house where Eliza was waiting with Philip. Her eyes widened as a smile spread over her lips.

"John Laurens."

John nodded with a smile. "A pleasure to see you Eliza."

"As you," she returned.

"This is our son," Alexander pronounced proudly. "Philip."

John walked up to them and held his hand out to Philip with a smile. "A pleasure to meet you, Philip."

Philip took his hand, examining John's face before granting him a smile.

Alexander lead them further into the house where he forgot entirely of the drink he had proposed just moments ago. They sat together in the parlor, just the four of them. There were only smiles and laughter to be heard from them that day. 

Alexander had been so sure after the message had arrived. He could only be ever grateful of this blessing.

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