Texting [Jefferson/Angelica]

611 16 6

Modern AU.

Lafayette tilted his head with a smile. "Is there really no one for you, mon cher?"

Angelica shook her head. "How many times have you asked me? Go bother Alexander."

"He has John. I cannot bother him about the same things."

Angelica shook her head with a faint smirk. She looked around briefly to see everyone else in the house. John and Alexander sitting on a couch having a rather loud conversation with Eliza and Peggy. Thomas sat on the other side of the room. Angelica was somewhat surprised Thomas and Alexander weren't at each others' throats yet.

Hercules came running down the hallway, skidding to a stop right beside Lafayette. He took hold of Laf's hand and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. Lafayette's smile spread over his lips. "I love you, too."

"Angelica, how are you?" Hercules asked.

"I'm doing just well," she said. "How are you."

"Much better now."

Laf put his arm around his boyfriend, holding him close.

Angelica's pocket vibrated. She swiftly pulled her phone from her pocket and looked at the screen to find a text. She smiled to herself, sliding her finger across the screen and tapping in a pass-code.

Need some help?

She responded quickly. When have I ever needed help?

Do you really want me to answer that?

Angelica frowns the smallest bit.

Guess not.

Shut up. She thought she could hear Thomas snicker from the living room.

"Who are you texting?"

Angelica looked up to her friend, not thinking entirely before she spoke. "No one."

"It's obviously someone," Hercules argued.

"Are these two bothering you?" Angelica turned her head around, her hair flying with it. Thomas was suddenly at her side with a gentle smile on his face.

Lafayette threw a hand to his chest. "I am offended!"

"I'm fine, Thomas," Angelica reassured him.

"See? She is fine, mon ami. Do not worry."

Angelica looked to Thomas when she felt a nudge to her arm. "Pretty loud in here," he said quietly.

She looked back to the boys in front of her. "I'll see you guys tomorrow," she said simply. Laf gave her a curious look as she left the room with Thomas. Angelica quickly texted Eliza, making sure she  and Peggy didn't panic if and when she didn't find her in the house anymore.


Eliza looked down to her phone.

Going out with Thomas. See you at home.

She read over the message and smiled. She looked up to see Peggy reading the message over her shoulder. Her sister had a bright smile on her face.

"What could cause that much cheer in you two?" John asked.

Eliza looked up to her friends sitting on the other sofa. "Eliza went out."

"And?" John pressed.

"With Thomas," Peggy said  with a giggle.

Eliza watched John's eyes widen the slightest bit as Alex slowly figured it out. "Angelica's with Jefferson?!"

Eliza nodded with a smirk at her friend's shock.

He jumped to his feet. "She is too good for him!"

John quickly pulled Alex back down to the sofa. "Give him a chance, Alex." Alex only sat with a scowl on his face, muttering something.

Very short, sorry.

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