Air Delay [Thomas/Angelica]

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Thomas looked up to the monitors that hung from above. He frowned at the glowing screen that flashed 'delayed'. Thomas heaved a sigh. He shouldered his bag and walked back to the waiting areas at his gate before dropping his bag on an empty seat.

There were dozens of people crowding around the airport. There was a hardly an empty place to rest with many young families on their phones and heading back to registration to book a new flight.

Thomas pulled his own device from his pocket and dialed a number committed to memory since he had been a child. The tone rang in his ear for a minute. A passing thought insisted that no one would pick up. He pushed the thought aside when the call clicked open and he heard a familiar voice.


"Hi, Mom."

"It's good to hear from you, Dear. Where are you?"

"I'm still in New York." He sighed. If it wasn't for this damned snow he'd be in Virginia by now. "My flight's been delayed because of the snow. I don't know when I'll be getting home."

"All right. Thank you for calling me."

"Just didn't want you to worry."

"Be safe. I love you, Thomas."

"Love you, too." He ended the call, pushing the device back into his pocket.

He had made so much preparations to be back for Thanksgiving and now he wasn't going to be there because of the weather.

He watched the clock in his wrist for a moment before turning around. He strolled through the terminal, keeping an eye out for a coffee shop. He walked into a small alcove that a shop was built into. A line of people stood brooding about having to wait for their drinks. Thomas stepped in line and waited patiently until it was his turn to order.
From the time he stepped in line, it must have been at least twenty minutes before he was walking away with his coffee.

He stepped over his own feet several times trying to avoid the crowds of people around him not paying attention to where they were going. He saw his bag sitting in the chair where he had left it and a girl dressed nicely standing near-by. A passer-by ran by him, shoving him forward. He took a sharp inhale and held his breath as he stumbled forward. His hand gripped his coffee cup tightly as he fell into someone, their arms catching him as he got back to his feet.

"Pardon me," he said without looking to their face. He looked to his coffee and let out his breath when he found the cap securely on top with only a few drops on the lid. "Thank you, Miss-" He looked up to see a familiar face. His voice caught in his throat as he regained his balance. "Hello, Angelica."

"Hello, Thomas. Nice of you not to spill your coffee on my clothes."

"My good lady," he said with a faint grin. "I would never."

Angelica rolled her eyes. "Of course you wouldn't." Angelica had a suitcase by her side and a coat folded over her arm.

"Can I assume that your flight has been delayed as well due to this weather?" Thomas asked.

"You assume correctly."

Thomas motioned to the chair holding his bag. "Can I offer you a seat?"

"Such a gentleman today."

"I'm always a gentleman to such a fine lady as yourself." Thomas smiled and picked up his bag.

Angelica nodded to Thomas and took a seat. "Thank you."

"My pleasure. Where are you headed?"

"To New York. And you, Thomas?" Angelica laid her coat across her lap and looked up to Thomas, a soft smile on her lips.

"I was going to be on my to Virginia by now, but it seems like I'll be spending the night here."

"It looks like we're in the same boat." Angelica looked to the taken seat beside her before looking back up to Thomas. "Are you sure you don't want your seat?"

"Now, how could I possibly sit when such a beautiful woman such as yourself requires a seat?"

"Flirty today are we?"

"Only for the beautiful Angelica Schuyler." He brought his cup to his lips and took a long sip.

Angelica shook her head, her hair swinging around her head. "I wonder if there's anything that will cease your flirting."

"Perhaps if a certain beautiful lady allowed me to buy her a drink or an evening meal."

Angelica tilted her head. "I suppose I have some time."

"Unless you would prefer to spend the next hour sitting by yourself." Thomas sipped from his coffee, the steaming liquid trickling down his throat.

"Please." Angelica stood to her feet. She laid her coat on the seat. "You wouldn't leave my side."

"You know me so well, Madame," he said, slipping into French. He held out his arm to Angelica with a firm smile. "La belle dame m'accompagnerait-elle?"

She took his arm with a modest smile. "Oui."

Madame - Mrs

La belle dame m'accompagnerait-elle - Would the beautiful woman accompany me

Oui - Yes

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