The Legend Lives On

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I couldn't beleve Morison didn't reconize me, I coudnt blame him. It had been gears since he seen me. After the acident everyone though me and Chase had died. But our Legend lives on. The old man just needed time to put the peaces together.

We where doing our normal routine, scouting Kings row from top to bottom but something wasn't right. The smell... was different like something was on fire but their was no fire to be sean. It was strong in some places and weak in other places.

Fiannaly I had found where the smell was comming from. And I was shocked, their was a huge figh going on next to the Nano corporation buildind. All the people that worked their wherw running out of the building screaming and ducking for cover from thw fire.

Yet again Talon was causing trouble and it was up to Overwatch to stop them. I began to snipe them men that whefe in my view and Chase making doubles of himself to rescure the people jn the line off fire. I got off the building wonce the men were awar of the sniper.

I jumped off the building and took cover besides the agents. Some looked at me funny while other focused on the fight. Chase had saved the people and brough them behind the man with the shield. Some where geting healed by a woman in an angel suit. And dame was she hot.

"I still thing their is some people inside" Chase said over com.

"You know what to do" I said with a smile. I got out from under cover and began to shoot the masked men. Sending them coliding with the ground as I did. Chase sent more of his dooplicates inside the building to search for suviverse. Some time later them copies came back with the people inside.

"Noo my baby he's still in their!" A woman yelled. The copy only heald her tighter. It must have new the child was already gone. "If you won't save her than I will!" The woman yelled breaking free from the grip amd running twords the building. As she did the building when up in flames breaking all the windows and causing the mother to fall to her knees.

"Nooo my baby" she cried. Chase walked to her and put an arm around her. She cried in his shoulder as he picked her up and brought her over to the angle to get cheeked.

Suddenly I heard a faint yell "momma im scared! Were are you" The boy screamed crying (remember im part wolf I can hear,smell,tast, do everthing better than a human can)

I got up and put my gun down. I don't now what got into me but I started to run into the burning building. "What the hell are you doing Jade! Your gonna get killed" Chase side over com. I didn't won't to hear the rest so I turned the com off.

I ran through the building franticly looking for the child, thats when I heard crying. I ran into an empty room breaking dow the door as I did. Their was the child on the floor crying holding a blanked. Reaper had a gun to his head. But before he could pull the triver I leaped infront off the child and took the bullet in my side.

"What the-" Reaper said. When his eyes met mine I could tell he knew who I was. "Fiannaly a chance to kill the famouse Jade" He said about to pull the triger again but the roof started to cave in, peaces of metal started to come crashing to the floor almost hiting him.

"Next time Wilson" He growled before disapering into a cloud of smoke.

The roof caved even more, blocking the entrance of the room. That ment the only way out was through the mindow..again.

"Listen I need you to get on my back" I said to the boy before changing into a wolf. He did as told and held on tigh. I took a runing start and leaped out the window. The building exploded as we did.
I hit the ground with a thud and looked at the child. He had little cuts here and their but that was all. I turned back into a human and scooped him up in my arms. I limped back to everyone. When the mother saw me with the child she came running.

"Jason your okay" she wimpered taking the child from my arms "Thank you. Without you I would ha e lost my baby forevor" She said cradiling him in her arm and teling hin it was okay, everthing was fine.

Chase came running to me and huged me tight. "I thought I had lost you" He said leting go and punching me in the side.

I screamed in pain and clenched my side. Blood started to flow out more. My vision began to go blurry and everything Chase said sounded like nothing. I felt my body become heavy and I fell to the ground. The last thing I remem ered was being carried by chase.

Chases P.O.V

After Jade passed out I called for help. Minites later a blond in a angle outfit cmae running over. She felt Jades pulse and frowned. She pointed her staff at Jade making Jades body glow gold. Her bleeding sgoped alittle but continued to bleed.

"I need you to carry her and follow me" she instructed. I picked her up and followed her to a heli carior. They whole team entered and we took off.

*In The Medical Room"

I brough Jade inside and took her to the medical bay. Thats when the blond took Jade from me and told me to wait outside.

I was pacing back and forth when a man walkes in. I knew who it was, it was Morison. But he didn't reconize me and it drove me crazy.

"I wonted to thank you for helping us earlier" He said.

"Umm...yea your welcome Morrison" I said barley listining to what he was saying.

"How do you know my name?" He questioned.

"For god sakes old man its me! Chase and thats Jade" I said waving my arms in the air.

"No it cant be... you died... the Talon killed you and Jade" He said.

"No they didn't. It only seemed that way because her fauther hid us away in an abondone wairhouse. He saw this was comming and saved us. Were alive and breathing" I said pacing faster.

He got up and hugged me tight. "Its good to see you. Chase" He said leting go and walking away. "Please tell me when Jade wakes up I wont to talk to her" Was the last thing he said before exiting out of the medical wing.

I sat down in the chair, and waited and waited. Fiannaly my eye lids got heavy and I fell asleep.

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