Will You Join Us

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I woke up to a brigh light in my eyes. "Could you not" I said grogaly and sat up.

I looked over and meet with two blue eyes. dame she's hotter than I remember.

"S..sorry about that" She said turning off the lighy.

"Its fine" I said cheeking my side, it was fully healed. I looked around and spoted my cloths. She must have knew what I was thinking because she got up and headed for the door.

"I'll be outside if you need me" She said with a smile and walked out.

I changed into the cloths, when I was done puting my pants on I looked for my shirt. I couldnt find it. Then ot hit me. Chase always like to take my cloths waither I was in the shower, changing, or working out.

I shook my head and laughed. At least I have a sports bra. I walked out finding the angle typing on a computer, her back facing me. I tip toed over and taped her on the shoulder. She jumped and turned around.

"Do you know where Chase is. He umm. Has my shirt" I said.

She had a tint of pink on her face "I'll go get him stay right her please" She said before geting up and walking down the hall.

I sat down on a chair and waited. I jeard the door open and a flash of blue went past me. I shruged and pulled out my phone. I felt someones eyes on me. I used my pjone to look behind me. I found a girl hiding behind a pillar. I sighed and got up and turned around.

"You can come out now. I already know were you are" I said folding my arms. She came out and ziped in front of me. "Impressive" I said looking at the glowing device on her chest. I could tell ot was a chronical exellorator.

"Thanks luv. You pretty impresive to. I've seen you in combat and I must say we could use someone like you and your friend on the team" She said in a brittish accent that was just adorable.

Her watched blinked "Sorry luv gotta go" Was the last thing she said before she zipped off. I smiled to myself and sat back down. After what seemed like ten minutes Doctor came back in with a black shirt.

"Thank you" I said as she handed me the shirt. I put it own and sat nack down next to her. She was typing something on the computer when an add poped up. She cliked the x but it didn't go away.

She got frustraited after a while so I decided to help. I got up and stood behind her leaning in close to her face so I could see. I typed in a few words and the add disapered.

"Th..Thank you" She said as she began to type again.

"Your welcome" I said. My phone vibrated and I pulled it out of my pocket.

Come to the meeting hall its inportant

I put my phone away and taped her on the shoulders.she turned to look at me, a smile plastered on her face. I smiled back and asked "Can you guided me to the meeting hall. Chase needs me their.. its inportant" She nodded and got up. I followed close behind her.

We entered a larg room filled with people eating and shouting. Must be the lunch room. I thought as the room fell silent at our arivel. People looked at me and muttered things and I couldn't helo but fell strange.

Just then two arms were around me. I looked up and saw Morrison. "Still kicking old man" I laughed as he let me go.

"You bet your ass I am" He laughed. "Its good to see you agin Jade. After the incident I though we had lost both of you" He said sadly. I put a hand on his shoulder and smiled.

"You know nothing can kill me. Im to tought" I said and flexed. He laughed again.

"Okay enough joking around for right now. I need to ask you giys an inportand question" He said, his voice stern and cold "Will you join Overwatch?" He asked.

"Yes" Me and Chase said in sync. He only smiled and huged us. I huged him back and he ruffled Chase's hair. He let us go and walked away. The last thing wmhe said was make yourselfs comfortable.

I shruged and took a seat at an empty table in the back. While Chase walked over to a larg group and introduced himself. Im not realy the social type when it comes to a room full of strangers.

I put on my ear buds and listen to music, I smiled when Chase sat down with the group. He realy didn't have any friends so this was good.

I was playing flappy birds when a blond cought my eye. She walked over to me and sat down in front of me. "Hey Jade" she said smiling.

"Hi.." I didn't know her name so I just said hi.

"Im Mercy the teams healer but my friends call me Angela or Angi" She said.

I nodded on responce. There was an akward silence between us, i was about to leave when she opend her mouth.

"I was wondering if you would like to sit with us... you looked kinda lonly over here" She said rubbing the back of her neck.

"Shure" I said standing up. She smiled and led me to her table. I took a seat at the table. The table went silent and I just smiled. After that the began to talk again. I was realy uncomfortable at that moment, one because I didn't know anybody and two because Angela kept staring at me.

Suddenlt arms were around my neck. It was Chase, he had a goofy smile on his face. I laughed aand got up.

"Wanna play some football" He said showing me the ball. I nooded and began to walk away when I turned back and gave Angela a hug. I didn't know why but I did. After the hug I walked back to Chase who had one eye brow raised.

"What?" I asked.

"I ship you two" He said. Pink stained my cheeks and I punched him in the shoulder. We walked outside and played cetch for awhile before we got tired and headed inside to take a nap.

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