How could I be so stupid

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I woke up near dinner time so I decided to wake up Chase so we could eat. I fixed my hair and woke up Chase. We headed to the dinning hall and sat down. Our food came moments later.

I ate my food and wondered what it would be like if Angela was my girlfriends. We would do all kinds of things together. My thought where interrupted my Angela standing up and hitting a fork agents the glass.

I looked and noticed that Genji was standing up to and they were holding hands. So many thought ran through my head at that moment I though my head was gonna explode.

"May I have everyone's attention" Angie said and everyone went quiet. "I've have great news. Me and Genji our going out" She said happily and everyone cheered saying way to go, I knew you guys would end up together. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and sat back down.

Tears threatened to spill but I wouldn't let them. This happened to often to me so why cry over something that was bound to happen. Everytime I fall in love its always a one way love. I gave them my all and in return they break me. I through my food away and layed my head on the table.

I could feel eyes on me but I didn't look at them. I new who they belong to and I knew if I looked I would end up breaking down. Chase rubbed circles in my back and rested his head on my shoulder.

Angela's P.O.V

I felt happy knowing everyone excepted my relationship. I looked over at Jade, she had a blank expression  on her face and her eyes showed everything. She was hurt, by why. Could it be because of my relationships. Did she like Genji, no that couldn't be it she was gay. I found that out a couple days ago when chase and her were talking.

I stared at her in attempt to get her to look at me but she didn't. I watched as she got up and through her food away and rested her head on the table. Chased rubbed her back and rested his head on her shoulders and I knew something was wrong.

I walked over to Jade and sat down by her. "Jade whats wrong?" I asked rubbing her back with Chase. "Please tell me"

"Its nothing Mercy. Just go sit back down with your boyfriend" She spat back and shook my hand off. I was a little hurt by her actions.

"Why are you acting like this? This isn't you. Please tell me whats wrong Jade please!" I pleaded.

"Who gives a flying fuck whats wrong with me. I said im fine so it means im fine" she said angrily and stood up.

"Just tell me whats wrong. This isn't you" I yelled getting up and standing behind her. The whole room was staring at us.

"Stop saying this isn't you. You don't know me Angela. You don't know what I've benn through, the things I've seen, the pain I felt for years. So please just leave me alone!" She yelled.

"Then show me the real you. So I can help you heal Jade" I said putting my hands on her shoulders.

"No I don't need to explain myself to someone like you" She said. This mad my blood boil with anger.

"What just because your gay doesn't mean I can't figure you out" I yelled making her flinch.

"I didn't mean it that way" She yelled turning around .

"Then explain what you ment then" I yelled againe.

"I can't. And I won't " Jade said. "Besides its not like you would care about me anyways. Im just a third wheel to you so who cares"

This made me furious. But before I could calm myself down I smacked Jade hard across the face. Her face swept to the side and tears began to spill from her blue eyes. I felt bad for what I did.

"Jade im sorry.. I ..I didn't mean to honest" I said trying to hug her. She pushed me away.

"Its okay im used to getting hurt by the ones I love" She said before walking away. What did she mean by the ones she loved?

Jades P.O.V

How could I be so stupid. I should have know that she didn't have feelings for me. I should have never fallen in love with her. I knew I would only suffer in the end. But something about her made her different. This time I actually thought I had found the love of my life, but like always I ended up getting hurt.

I walked to my room and slammed the door. I paced backed and forth in the room. Anger got the beat of me and I grabbed one of my vases and through it at the wall. It shattered at the impact and pieces layed everywhere on the wooden floor. I was glade I had shoes on.

I walked infront of my full length mirror and looked at myself. How could she ever love a beast like me. I thought to myself before punching the mirror. The sound echoed through the room. I felt the warm blood drip down my arm from the cuts I had just received.

Suddly my anger left and I became very sad. I slid down my door crying. I pulled my legs up to my chest and cried. I cried till I couldn't cry no more. I sat there and looked around. Glass was scattered every where in the room. I looked at my hand. The wound still bleeding and had shards of glass still in it. I pulled them out only to have more blood spill. I didn't care, what was a little blood compared to a life time of being broken.

Knocks could be heard on the other side of the door but I ignored them. I didn't want to see anyone. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I woke up and instantly remembered what happened last nigh. I cleaned up the room and decided to go see an old friend. I got dressed and exited out the window.

*At Friends House*

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