Christmas Eve

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I've been here for three weeks already. I got some of my memories back thanks to Sombra and Gab. I still have flashback tho but I don't know why. There like nightmares that are reality. I want to tell Amèlie but I can't. I feel like being with her is wrong that I loved someone else but....I don't know. But let's go back to the real story.

It was Christmas Eve, and everything was crazy....Well me and Sombra were being crazy. Well mostly Sombra. We just ran out of Gabriel's room in a hurry, let's just say we got him an early Christmas present.

In seconds a mini explosion could be heard and dorito dust could be seen seeing out of the cracks of Gabriel's door. (We taped a bag of Doritos to a mini bomb) yelling could be heard along with doors slamming.

"Sombraaa!!!" Gab yelled from the hallway "this isn't over!" He said before diapering into the bathroom. Lol you should have seen him, he was all covered in dorito dust.

"Nice one" I said as me and Sombra were laughing. We high fives each other before Sombra went quiet. Witch ment she was thinking of something, witch kind of scared me. I was about to leave but she grabbed me by the wrist.

"I have an idea....It involves Amèlie" Hell no! Everyone knows you don't mess with Widow. "Are you sure about this?" I asked as she pulled me to her room. She nodded as we entered her room.

After awhile of explaining the plan I finally decided to do it. The plan was to get her into kissing Gab under the missitoe. The missitoe will be placed in the hallway and we have to get them to walk out at the same time.

Amèlie was in her room probably still sleeping while Gab was in the bathroom. Sombra said she's get Amèlie and I have to get Gab, wich will be easy since he's already done. All I have to do is keep him in the hallway long enough for the to walk out together.

Amèlie came out seconds before Gab came out. I stopped in front  of Gab for a second so they could leave. Then after they began to walk together me and Sombra ran out the hallway and into the living room (living quarters)

She pulled out her phone and waited for them to walk through. Once they did the stopped right under the missitoe and looked at us. Sombra was laughing and I was trying to hold in my laugh. Amèlie wasn't so amused and Gab was still mad about the prank.

Just when there were about to exit the hallway Sombra stopped them. "Your forgetting something" she said pointing towards the missitoe. They looked at each other before Amèlie turned twords me. She wasn't one to show much emotion during the Holliday's or anytime at that but for me she did.

She gave Gab a kiss before walking over to the couch. Gab stood there shocked before he burst into a cloud of smoke and disiperd through the walls. "That a keeper" Sombra said before leaving the living room.

Now it's just me and Amèlie. "I pulled out my phone, I could feel her staring at me. But I'm a tease so I didn't look at her. Instead I played flappy birds and put my headphones in. She called my name's saveral times but I pretended I was listening to music.

I could tell she was getting frustrated because she stared mumbling in French. I smiled and she looked at me...That was a mistake. "Jade I swear if you don't answer me right now I'm gonna through you out the window!" I cringed knowing she would do it.

I put the game on pause and took my ear buds out. I turned to face her "Yes Amèlie" I said trying my best not to show that I was actually afraid. "Come here cherì" Amèlie said and motioned for me to sit with her on the couch.

I got up and walked over to the coushon to the left of her. But just as I was about to sit down she pulled me on her lap. (When no one's around she acts like this)

My cheeks were tinted pink from her gesture. I tried to sit on the other side but she already had her arms around me. "You didn't think I forgot about you did you. I only kissed Gab cause of the missitoe" Amèlie said. "You don't have to be jelious"

Aww she thinks I'm jello cause she kissed him and not me. Truth be told I am a little jello cause of the kiss. "I'm not jelious Amèlie" I said getting off her lap. She got up to and stood Infront of me arms crossed over her chest.

I was a little intimidated but she kinda look hot standing like that. "Then why don't you won't to sit with me? If your not jelious then sit with me" I looked up at her "can't I have things to do right now" I lied

"Those things can wait. I'm more important" she said graving me by the waist and spinning me around to face her. Are faces were inches apart from each other. I could feel her hot breath on me.

I looked at her lips before looking at her eyes. I was about to walk away when she pulled me closer to her and kissed me. The kissed lasted for a minute before we broke apart for air. "I love you Amèlie" I said putting my head in the crook of her neck.

"I love you more cherì" she said placing a kiss on my head. Suddenly a flash could be seen along with a click of a camera. We broke apart to find Sombra with a smug smile on her face.

"You guys are a cute couple. And this picture is definitely a keeper" she said. Me and Amèlie looked at each other before running after Sombra. We ran around the base trying to cetch her but that damn hacker was to fast.

We got tired and walked back to Amèlie room. We cuddles on the bed, Amèlie fell asleep before I did cause she did most of the running. I fell asleep listing to her breathing while watching her chest rise and fall with each breath.

But something didn't fell right, being her didn't fell right yet it did. I don't know how to explain this feeling but something was off. I'm probably just being perinoid. I know this is were I belong, her at Talon with my girlfriend Amèlie and my friends Gab and Sombra..... Or at least I think I am.

Happy Christmas Eve everyone. I hope you liked the chapter. I tried to show Amèlie softer side towards Jade and I think I accomplished that part. Jade knows something's wrong but she can't really say what it is. Read the next chapter to find out what she discovers. It's called Christmas surprised. It will be out tomorrow.

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