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We walked past him and continued to talk. But that instantly changed when he got up and followed us to our new table. Uggg I really want to throw this guy out a window. Does anyone want to help me? Two is better than one I always say.

"Hey Angela" Luke said sitting besides her. "So I've been thinking would you like to go to the movies with me later? I'm was planing on watching Finding Dory" He asked.

Is he fucking kidding me, he's gonna ask my girlfriend out right Infront of me. But I know Angela she's gonna turn him "I would love to Luke" Angela said. Omg I'm done, some help me kill him now! And I mean now!

I listened to the talk and laugh, it's like she forgot that I'm even here. I got up and through my untouched food away. I lost my whole apitiight. But just I though she didn't even realise I had left she just keept talking.

I grabbed my equipment and headed towards the training room. Chase tag along with me, "Wheres Angela?" He asked. "She's talking with Luke!" I praticly yelled at him. "Sorry I'm just mad. He asked her out right Infront of me" I said and he nodded.

It was mandatory to train for at least an hour every day. Me and Chase trained for two hours, after we were done Angela and Luke walked in. I rolled my eyes and Chase already didn't like they guy, anyone I don't like he didn't like. Friend goals!

"Hey we haven't been hanging out lately. Do you wanna go to the lake or something?" Chase asked. It was true I haven't really been hanging with him just Angela. "I would love to! How about we go right now" he nodded and we got up to leave.

Great there standing by the door talking. Chase went out first and when I tried Angela put her hand on my shoulder. "You ready to train ba-" she said but I stopped her "I already did!" I said and shook her hand off me and left.

I went to my room and changed into some ripped jeans and a black tank top. I grabbed my snap back hat and black sun glasses. Lake day, I said and walked out of my room. I grabbed my phone off the charger and went to Chases room.

He was wearing jeans and a white tank top along with a hat and glasses. "Ready?" He said "ready" we walked out of the base and to his car. "I'm taking Scarlet if that's alright with you" "I haven't seen her since the accident so it fine with me" I said turning on the radio.

We sang Immortals all the way till we got to Scarlets house. One she got in our fav song came on, My House by Flo Rida. We all sang together untill we got to the lake. I missed having my friends with me, it was just like old times.

We would leave together for hours on end untill one of us got called home, it was all or nothing with us. If one got in trouble we all did, we had each other back. And that hadn't changed since, we were family and we always will be.

We walked around a bit before finding a perfect spot under a tree. We set our stuff down and explored the lake a little. Skipping rocks and singing randomebperson lyrics was what we were doing. Taking selfies and climbing tress is what we do best.

We talked about our problem to each other. I found out the Mei and Chase were dating and Scar was dating this girl she meet at a coffee shop. I was happy for them cause they were happy.

We layed in the grass and watched the clouds pass by. We all turned are phones off so we could enjoy each other companies. We laughed and played just like when we were kids. Nothing has changed and nothing ever will.

We played in the shallow lake rolling up our pants and taking our shirts off. We splashed each other and tried to cetch guppies by the bay. After we were done we all layed in the grass under the sun and took a nap.

Well more like sleepy for hours, we all woke up in the dead of night. We laughed and grabbed our stuff. "Wow we can realy sleep"Scarlet said giggling. Me and Chase nodded as we walked back to the car.

We got in the car and put on Telephone by Lady Gaga. Scarlet and me sand that cause Chase had no idea what the lyrics were. After we dropped off Scar I turned my phone on. 21 missed calls from baba, 14 unread text from babe. Yep new this was gonna happen.

Since we were already there I decided not to call or text back. As we parked the car I saw an angry Swiss standing by the entrance. This is gonna be one hell of a talk. I said getting out.

As I got to the entrance I was bombarded with question like where were you, why didn't you answer my call or text, why didn't you tell me you were leaving. "Do you know what it feel like to be ignored, felt like your not wanted cause that's how you made me feel Jade!" Angela yelled and slapped me, hard.

I tear rolled down my cheeks, but anger boiled inside me. "Actually I do Mercy, how do you think I felt when you and Luke we talking. You completely ignored me, how do you think I felt when he asked my girlfriend out right Infront of me" I said tears streaming down my face like a water fall. All my anger turned into sadness.

"How do you think I felt when you said yes to him, when I walked away you didn't even care. How do you think that mad me feel. So don't come at me saying I made you feel unwanted Angela, I've felt unwanted my whole entire life" I chocked out before running inside. I slammed the door to my room and locked it. Sliding agents the door crying.

Nothing could compare to the pain I was feeling. It was like staving your heart a thousand times and then it being ripped apart only to be put together again and repeat the process all over again.

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