The Beast Inside

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As the first wolf jumped at me I grabbed him by the neck and shook him, throwing him to the ground after. As I fought the next one the other one jumped on me and bit my lower back with enough force to break a babies skull.

I let out a pricing howl and something happens. My eyes turned a dark red and everything around me began to shake. The wolf that was once on me got off and they all backed up.

I knew what was happening, my father warned me about this. Sometimes when you feel to much emotion, they all get combined into one great emotion and they can become fear, anger, sadness. Any emotion, unfortunately for me it was anger.

Suddenly I felt like I was flying, like I was controlling myself but I wasn't. Suddenly everything went black and my body went numb.

I woke up and gasped. The wolves were torn apart, little pices of them here and their. I tried to get up but their was this burning sensation in my stomach. I help my stomach in an effort to make the pain go away.

But when I did something wet and warm stuck to my hand. As I moved my hand into the moon light to see I gasped again. My hand was covered in blood along with other parts of my body.

I felt light headed and dizzy. I knew I had lost a lot of blood but hell if I'm gonna die I wanna die next to my friends. I got up but fell back down to the ground.

After my fifth attempt I made my self stable. I limped about 12 steps before I fell onto the ground. All my strength was gone.

The beast inside got the best of me. I knew I wasn't gonna make it, I tried to grab my phone from my my pocket but it wasn't their. The pain was variable for a short time till the burning got worse and I began to throw up.

I cried out in pain as I did, my stomach wound couldn't take the pressure of me throwing up. As I layed on the ground I thought to myself was this the end? Was this how I was gonna die?

As my breathing became shallower and shorter every second. I closed my eyes and breathes my last breath before my world fell and everything around me went black......this was the end for me.

Mercy's P.O.V

Jades has been gone for almost three hours now and I'm beginning to worry. She won't answer her phone and no one has any idea were she went.

I walked out of my room to go see if Chase could shed some light on were she went. But when I found him I couldn't believe my eyes. There was Jade, all covered in blood and as white as a ghost.

Tears welled in my eyes as I ran over to him. "What happend!?" I asked checking for a pulse, she had one but it was very faint. I examined her body she had cuts and bruises all over the place.

"My friend said she got attacked by a bunch of wolves. Jade said she could handle them but I guess there were to many. I should have gone with her. This would have never happe-" Chase said

"Now's not the time to blame yourself. We have to get Jade to the medical wing now.... Or she could die" I said as years ran down my face. The truth was she had lost so much blood I realy didn't now if she was gonna make it or not.

The truth is I think I love her.... No! I know I love her, I spent all this time pretending that I didn't cause I thought she wouldn't like me back. All this time a pushed her away and loved Genji, when I should have been loving her.

We rushed to the medical bay....but it was to late. There was no more pulse, Jade was dead. As she lay on the medical table lifeless I couldn't help but cry. I know I hurt her, I could see it in her eyes every time I was with Genji.

Genji knew I liked her so we made a plan to get together to see if she liked me. But I failed to notice the sign's she was giving me. All the loving looks, the hugs, everything was gone now. Her lovely laughed could no longer be heard, her black hair no longer had its shine, and her beautiful blue eyes were now dull.

I had lost her

I walked out of the medical bay to find not only Chase crying but the whole team. She had an impact on us all. She was part of the family, and now she was gone.

*Time skip*

I was laying in my bed listening to Let Her Go by Passenger

My work was slowly falling apart. Piece by piece, but I had to be strong. I had to be strong for Jade. She wouldn't won't me to cry about her death. Shed won't me to be happy for all the memories we spent together.

But that's was the thing.... We hadn't spent anytime together cause I pushed her away. As I lay looking at the ceiling crying it felt like my lungs were gonna collapse. I couldn't move or speak, only cry. I cried until I couldn't cry anymore.

I had just lost my best friend, and the one person who could have made my life a whole lot better. Not that it sucked it's just..... Jade was the type of person to make you fell better, to try to stop you from Suicide, but all this time she was taking care of us....who was taking care of her?

I know Chase was there for her but who was truly there for her when she needed it, who was there to convert her when she was crying, hold her hair when she was throwing up?, No one.

I know your probably thinking I shouldn't beat myself up about this but, I feel like it was my fault but I know it's wasn't. As my eye lids began to feel heavy I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Dreaming of only a vast field of black. Nothing was there no light, no path, nothing just me.

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