Minho imagine | Friendzone

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⚠︎Trigger Warnings⚠︎

"Hey, Y/N!" your best friend Minho waved at you across the breakfast table. He wasn't sitting close to you as usual, but the tables were crowded so there wasn't any available seats where you were sitting. You'd been friends since you became a Runner, and you had loads of fun when you ran together. You would jokingly insult each other, and have comeback competitions that Minho always won. You waved back at him. He smiled and returned to his food. Thomas who was sitting beside you gave you a gentle poke with his elbow and grinned at you.

"You like him, don't you?" You stared at him blankly for a moment, before breaking out laughing.

"As a friend, sure!" You chuckled. The thought was strange. It hadn't crossed your mind before.


You left the breakfast tables to go put on your gear, and Minho did the same. For once, you were ready before him and had to wait by gates for him to get ready. Finally he got there. But instead of greeting you, he ran straight past you and into the Maze.

"Hey, wait up Shuckface!" you laughed and set after him, trying to catch up, even though you knew he was faster than you. He grunted and slowed down, letting you catch up. Surprisingly enough he didn't have the sassy smirk on his face you'd expected. Instead he just looked at you completely expressionless for a brief moment before speeding up again. That day you didn't talk much. Actually, it kind of felt like he ignored you. You got back to the Glade and started jutting down the work you'd done in the Map Room.

"Is anything wrong, Min?" you asked. It bothered you that your best friend wouldn't talk to you. He just grunted something inaudible in response as earlier, keeping his eyes on the paper. You walked over to him, grabbing his paper and looking at him. He met your eyes for a brief moment before looking away.

"This morning you seemed just like yourself. What's going on? Is it something I've done?" you just wanted an answer. He sighed.

"It's nothing. I'm done here, I'll leave you to your work." he said while standing up. He left and closed the door behind him. Your jaw dropped. He just left?


The next long time went on the same way. He didn't talk much to you, and seemed to ignore and avoid you anytime possible. This soon left you desperate for his attention. Losing your closest friend and confidant in a place like this had to be some sort of torture. A couple of weeks into this new behaviour of his, you got a new Greenie in the Glade.

On bonfire night, you saw Minho laugh and have fun with Newt, Thomas and Teresa while you just sat there, alone. It wasn't that nobody wanted to spend time with you, you just weren't in the mood for fooling around right now. Bonfires usually meant a really fun night with your friends, and most of all Minho, but this time it just felt off. You couldn't help but stare at the happy little group of people, full of mixed emotions. It made you happy to see him smile and laugh, for some odd reason, but at the same time you were so hurt to not be the one he was having fun with. It made you both angry and miserable.

Thomas and Newt eventually left the group to watch someone fight the new greenie, leaving Minho and Teresa on their own. Something inside you broke when he then began flirting with Teresa. She didn't seem bothered by it, either. That made it too much for you to watch. You stood up, feeling the tears burning the backs of your eyes. In a brisk, stiff walk, you went to your hut and threw yourself down on the bed, crying silently into the pillow. Why did you feel this way? Did you even still care for him, or did you hate him as much as it felt like right now? He changed so much, so suddenly, and without giving you as much as a clue as to why. You longed for his attention, for his approval. To be the one he flirted with. The latter came as a surprise to you, an intruder among your own thoughts. Is that actually how you felt?
Your head raced with questions and thoughts the rest of the night, until, eventually, you fell asleep.

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