Newt smut | Nothing But a Smile

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⚠︎Trigger Warnings⚠︎

It was bonfire night as was monthly tradition. You were celebrating yet another a new Greenie - it seemed this guy would be joining the Runners soon enough. His name was Thomas, and you had to admit he had left an impression already. He was fighting Gally. You were watching, and the fight was surprisingly exciting; Thomas was actually able to fight back. Usually the Greenies were confused and terrified on their first day and wouldn't stand much of a chance against Gally, but not this guy. He was strong, smart and quick. Had some witty comebacks up his sleeve, too. Gonna be a good runner. You thought to yourself.
You realised that your boyfriend, Newt, wasn't standing beside you as he usually would. When you looked around you realised that you actually couldn't see him anywhere. You searched the area with your eyes, and finally spotted him sitting quite far from the fight - watching you. You blushed, biting your lip when your eyes met. Damned timidness. Why couldn't you just send him a cute grin or a confident smile? You were too infatuated with him to be confident around him. He clenched his jaw. You quickly turned your attention back to the fight to avoid more awkwardness. Thomas was winning. You burst out laughing when he finally beat Gally, who looked angrier than a Griever in heat. He was furious, he rarely lost a fight, much less to a Greenie. You turned your head to send Newt a smile, and your gazes met again. When he winked at you, you subconsciously bit your lip again. It frustrated you that despite already being together, he still made you nervous like this. Wasn't that supposed to pass when he was no longer a crush but your partner? Once again, he clenched his jaw. You smiled shyly, wanting to approach him, but feeling too nervous. And his jaw clenched yet another time. You felt puzzled. Why did he keep doing that? He only clenched his jaw when he was mad and when... oh. It hit you like a tonne of bricks. Lip biting was one of Newt's biggest turn-ons. It was starting to make sense now. Newt's jaw always clenched when he got turned on, and you found it quite endearing, despite the more aggressive undertones of the gesture. You figured it was a way for him to contain himself, considering he also did it when angry or frustrated. You sighed, realising what you'd done. Then you turned your attention back to watch the second round of Thomas and Gally's fight. Apparently, Gally was too displeased with Thomas' victory and wanted a rematch. Thomas was winning again, and everyone cheered when Gally fell out of the circle.

Finally, you had had enough partying and decided to head off to bed to sleep off the alcohol. You said goodnight to your friends and left.
Just as you were drifting off to sleep, somebody knocked on your door.

"Yes?" You groaned, already annoyed with whomever was keeping you from sleeping.

"Y/N? Can I come in?" Newt's sweet voice shook you out of your doze completely. You sat up.

"Sure, Newt!" You smiled as he opened the door and walked in. He looked exhausted.

"Minho had a lot to drink and he's snoring louder than all the bloody grievers combined." He complained, looking down at the floor sheepishly with both hands in his pockets before meeting your eyes again. "Would it be okay if... I slept here tonight?"

"Of course, you Slinthead. Can't have the second in command drooping at work, can we?" You smirked at your boyfriend and padded on the bed beside you. His face lit up into a tired smile and he sat down. He hugged you for a moment before lying down, pulling you with him. His hand ran along your jawline, caressing your cheek. You blushed and bit your lip nervously again, just like you'd been doing all night. As a natural instinct his jaw clenched, this time harder than earlier. He looked at you, his angelic brown eyes scanning every part of your face. Then he couldn't hold himself back anymore. He cupped your cheek and pulled you into a kiss. It started up as one of your usual kisses, loving but a little shy. But then it grew hungrier, more passionate and loving. Your hand tangled itself into his golden locks and his ran up and down your back. Soon his tongue greedily found its way into your mouth. His hands moved lower, grabbing your butt before going back up to your waist. He grabbed it tightly and started rolling his hips against yours. Unexpectedly your body decided, on its own, to copy the motion, earning a small groan from Newt. He pulled out from the kiss and started nibbling softly on your neck. You let out a quiet whimper as he found a particularly sensitive spot. Of course he noticed and started sucking it. He was hard as rock, and you felt yourself burning up. As if he'd read your thoughts, one of his hands travelled down your body and started slowly caressing your inner thighs. You moaned softly as he got closer to where you wanted him. His fingers lightly brushed across the thin fabric of your underwear and went back to your thighs. You sighed in desperation and frustration. Newt finally gave up the teasing and slipped his hand inside your panties and started rubbing your clit with his thumb while slowly pumping a finger into you. Your breaths got unsteady and shaky as more fingers were added. He was eerily good at this. Just as you were about to orgasm, he stopped. He pushed down your panties and his own boxers and pulled you closer. His erection quickly and effortlessly, found its way between your legs.

"You don't know what you do to me, Y/N... nothing but a smile from you and my sanity's gone for good." He mumbled, his voice deeper than usual. Then he pushed himself into you. You moaned out loud as he started pumping. Quicker and harder. He sucked your sweet spot and teased your clit, pushing all your buttons. As his thrusts became sloppy and he started slowing down, you knew what was next. He felt your need for your own relief too, having already been on the edge, but you needed a push. His free hand tangled into your hair and tugged at it, and he applied more pressure with his fingers on your clit while circling it. He leaned down to your ear and whispered, greed seeping into every word:
"Cum for me, Love... Cum for me." Seemingly endless bursts of pleasure pumped through your veins as you finally released around him, dragging out a long yelp in satisfaction. He kept thrusting into you with an unbearable speed, and soon he had his release too with a loud, boyish moan. He embraced you tightly.

"Nothing but a smile and a bite of your lips and I'm melting in your arms Y/N. You're so bloody gorgeous, I can't handle it."

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