Newt smut | Commands

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⚠︎Trigger Warnings⚠︎

"See you later, Love." Newt says and kisses your cheek. You're standing in front of the open gates into the Maze.

"Newt, do I have to work in the Gardens? Why can't I go running with you instead?" You whine.

"Because I say so. I don't want anything bad happening to you, and as the Second in Command, I get to decide such things. I'll be back later Y/N. Good that?"

"I guess..." you pout and look down at your feet.

"Come on, Love, I hate seeing you sad. You know I only do this because I love you. I want to protect you. The Maze is a dangerous place." Newt puts a hand under your chin and lifts it up. Your eyes meet his.

"But Newt - I can take care of myself. I'd just like to be able to decide these things for myself," you mumble. Newt smiles apologetically and looks you deeply into your Y/E/C eyes.

"Okay, how about this then: when I get back, you'll be the one giving me commands." He smirks suggestively. Your face lights up.

"Deal." you push him, playfully. "Now get going, you're late already you Slinthead!" He winks and waves at you, then sets off into the Maze. You're already excited for when he gets back, and you know he is too.


"Hey love!" You hear a familiar voice call out. You look up from your book. He's standing in front of you, leaning against the door frame with a cute smile on his lips.

"Hi Newt! How was the Maze?" You ask, even though you know the answer.

"Awe-inducing, actually. Those magnificent, beautifully intricate stone corridors are just breathtaking. A true sight to see. Really, you should have been there!" he jests, teasing you for your eagerness to become a Runner. "And the Gardens?"

"Muddy." You sigh, ignoring his antics. He's been spending too much time with Minho, his sassiness is rubbing off on him.

"Awe, don't die on me." Newt frowns playfully. You roll your eyes but can't prevent a small giggle.

"Come here." You say, closing the book and setting it on the table before opening your arms. His fake frown is immediately replaced by a wide boyish grin. He pounces into your arms and hugs you tightly, burying his face in the crook of your neck.

"Remember the deal we made before you ran into the maze this morning?" You whisper into his hair.

"Don't hold back love." He chuckles. You pull away from the hug, just enough to pull him into a kiss instead. You make it seem like a sweet innocent one at the beginning until you slowly let it escalate. Newt kisses back, and seems more eager by the second. Your plan is working. Ypu pull away and shoot him a sinister look.

"I won't. But you will." you state, ominously. He looks at you with confusion and curiosity, and you gesture for the bed. He takes the hint and crawls into the bed, leaning against the frame. You mount him with a leg on each side of his, straddling him, before leaning back in to kiss him. The kiss immediately grows heated, and you figure it's time to have some fun, considering this is the point where Newt usually begins to grow a bulge. You pull away and look him in the eyes.

"You aren't allowed to get a boner unless I tell you it's okay. If you succeed, I'll reward you, but if you fail I'll have to punish you. Deal?" You offer a hand at him, knowing he can't turn it down. He has already agreed to do what you tell him to.

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