Chapter 1

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Monday~  I didn't want to admit to Regan, my best friend, that sometimes i still think about Brody. Especially because i was the one that broke up with him. Even though she most likely knew that i still think of him i would never admit it. I looked out my bedroom window, it was raining and there was no sign of the sun. I pulled on a blue shirt and black leggings and started doing my hair and makeup. After i was done i went downstairs. "Hey Selena i like your shirt" said Dianne, my older sister she's  17 almost 18. "Thanks" I said as i got out a bowl and poured my cereal. A few minutes later my older brother, Austin walked downstairs, he is 19 but he decided to go to a collage in state so he still lived at home. "Hey guys have you seen my phone?" He asked Dianne and me patting his pockets to make sure it wasn't in there. "Did you leave it your room by any chance?" Dianne said without looking up from her phone. "Maybe" Austin sighed and then ran back upstairs. "Selena is Ethan picking you up today?" My mom asked as she entered the kitchen. "Yeah he will be here soon." I said as i got up and put my empty bowl in the sink. I texted Ethan to see when he would be here. A few seconds later he replied 'Here'. "Ill see you after school, bye. Love you." I said walking to the door. "Ok have a good day, love you too." My mom said right before i shut the door and walked to Ethans beach Ford truck. "Hey babe." He said once once i was in the car. "Hi, thanks for picking me up." "Anytime" He replied and then started the engine. I looked out the window tuning out the roar of the engine. "So i was thinking sense our 1 year anniversary is coming up we should do something special." He says. "Good idea." I say reaching to hold his free hand. He grinned and then looked at me. "What?" I said wondering why he was looking at me like i was going to disappear or something. "Nothing" He said then looked back at the road. I reached over and tousled his light brown hair. He smiled at me and kissed my hand. I looked back out the window thinking about what we would do for our one year anniversary. We got to school and he parked towards the back of the lot. I got out and started walking towards the school with Ethan by my side holding my hand. When we got into school Regan came up to us. "Hey guys whats up?" she said. Ever since Jake King left, Brodys best friend and also Regans boyfriend left with Brody to continue their tour she had been more clingy. Im guessing it was because she misses him. She wore he blonde hair in a high ponytail with a red lace shirt on and ripped jeans. "Not much." Ethan said. I turned to Ethan and said, "We have to get tot class. Ill see you soon." I said and then gave him a kiss. Regan and I walked to my locker and she said, "Looks like everything is going good for you two?" She asked. "Yeah its going great. How is Jake." A look of sadness came across her face. "Yeah he's good, we're good. He says the tour is going good." "Thats good." I said and opened my locker. I didn't really like when she brought up the tour because then all i could think about was Brody. I got all of my stuff out for my first class and we walked there together. The rest of the day went pretty fast. At the end of the day i met Ethan at his car i gave him a hug and then we both got in. "How was your Monday?" He asked me while staring the car. "Oh yeah it was pretty good. I don't have that much homework so i was wondering if you could come over tonight?" He thought for a minute and then said, "Yeah that works for me." When we got back to my house Ethan came in with me. "Hey, I'm home. Ethan's here." I called out to my mom. "Hey Ethan." My mom called back. "Hey Mrs. Hanson." Ethan replied. Then we walked up to my room. I closed the door behind me then sat in my chair. "So do you want  to do homework then we could got out somewhere?" I asked getting my homework out of my backpack. "Sounds good." He said ad then sat on the small couch in my room. I walked over to him and sat on his lap. I looked into his crystal clear blue eyes and asked, "Where do you want to go out tonight?" He took a second to reply then said, "I say we go to a movie." "Okay." I said. He put his hands on both of my cheeks snd pulled me into a kiss. After a few seconds i pulled away and said, "Okay, time for homework." Then i got up, got my backpack and sat next to him on the couch.


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