Chapter 4

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Friday-  Regan and i where at her house getting ready for bowling when Regan got a call from Jake. "Hey!! Have you landed yet?" Regan asked. On the other end of the end i could hear Jake say "Hi, and yeah i just landed. Ill be there in 20 minutes." "Ok great. See you soon."  Regan hung up the phone and asked me, "When will Ethan be here?" I looked at the clock on the wall. "About 10 minutes." "Ok great are you almost ready?" I was wearing ripped jeans with a white top and a gold necklace.  "Yep I'm ready whenever you are." "Ok. I cannot wait to see Jake. Ive missed him so much." " I know you do, you've told me about 10 times already." She giggled. A few minutes later the doorbell rang. I opened the door to see Ethan. "Hey Ethan. Come on in." I said letting him walk by me. "Hey, is Jake here yet?" "No but he should be here any minute now." Said Regan walking down the stairs. "Ok. Hey Regan." "Hey Ethan." A few more minutes passed and then there was another knock on the door. Regan ran over to the door and pulled it open. "JAKE!" Regan squealed jumping into his arms and giving him a kiss. Jake set her down and said, "I missed you so much!" Then he kissed her again. "Hey Selena." Jake said giving me a quick hug. He walked over to Ethan introduced himself and shook his hand. "Hey you must be Ethan. Im Jake." "Hey. Nice to meet you." Jake nodded then looked back at Regan. "So when do we leave?" "Whenever!" Regan replied. "Alright lets head out then." We all piled into Regans car. About 30 minutes later we arrived at the bowling alley. We all walked in and rented shoes. "What  alley are we on?" Ethan asked the worker. "You will be at 7." The worked replied. "Cool thanks." Ethan said grabbing his shoes and walking towards our alley. Just before we got there Jake stopped and turned towards me. We all stopped. "Hey, um, you guys don't mind bowling with a friend of mine do you?" He asked. "No of course not. Who?" I ask. "Oh, um, well Brody." 

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