Chapter 3

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Wednesday-  Regan caught up to me after school and said "So when Jake gets here, you, Ethan, Jake, and I should all go bowling or something, like a double date." I thought about it for a while. Jake gets here on Friday and i don't have anything else to do so i said, "Yeah thats a great idea. Ill ask Ethan about it." "Alright awesome! I can't wait to see Jake, I've missed him so much. Especially when you started dating Ethan." I giggled and so did she. "Well it has been a whole year since you've seen him. Thats crazy! Time really does fly." I said thinking about how i haven't seen Brody in that long either. "I know right! Im so glad that things with him and i worked out so well. I really love him." I tried to put on the happiest smile i could. "Hey Regan can i ride home with you today?" "Yeah for sure!" "Ok great, thanks. Ill go tell Ethan." I walked over to where Ethan's car was. "Hey babe are you ready to go?" He asked giving me  quick kiss. "Oh, I'm actually going to ride home with Regan today, but there is something i have to ask you about. Would you want to get together with Regan and Jake when he gets back and go bowling?" "Yeah that sounds really fun." "Ok. He gets back Friday so thats when we will go. Ill see you tomorrow." I gave him a hug and walked back over to Regan's car. "Ready to go?" Regan asked. "Yep, and Ethan says he can do the double date on Friday." "Ok great! Ill call Jake right now and let him now." Regan dialed his number then pulled the car out of the parking space. I could hear Jake on the other line, "Hey babe. Whats going on?" He sounded really happy to get Regan's call. "Hi! I was just gonna ask you if you wanted to get together with Selena and Ethan on Friday and go bowling?" There was silence on the other end. "Um, who's Ethan?" Regan glanced at me and then said, "Selena's boyfriend." Another pause. "Oh, i didn't know Selena had a boyfriend." "Yeah she does. So do you want to do that?" "Yeah totally. I have to go. See you soon babe love you." Jake said. "Love you too!" Regan said then hung up the phone. She looked at me and said,  "You know that Brody was the one who wanted to know who Ethan is right?" I did know but it was still weird hearing it. Why would he care? "Yeah i know." Regan looked back at the road. A few seconds later she spoke again, "Do you, um, ever miss Brody?"  I looked out the side window. Yeah i do miss Brody a lot but i didn't want to admit that. "No. I have Ethan and i really like him." She looked at me again with a confused and suspicious look, "You really like Ethan? You don't love him?" No i don't. But i really really care about him. "I don't wanna talk about this." She didn't say anything else for the rest of the ride.

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