Chapter 2

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Tuesday- This morning was really hard. I can't get Brody out of my head some days. Today is one of those days. I start think these thinks like, will he ever come back? And if he does will he want me back? I want to talk to Regan about this, and maybe i will soon. Its been a year though and i should be over him by now. Im not really sure why i have any feelings for him anymore. I really like Ethan but i loved Brody. I quickly got dressed and stood outside for Ethan to pick me up. A few minutes later he pulled up in front of my house. "Hey Selena." He said as i got in the got. "Hey Ethan. Thanks for picking me up." I feel bad that I'm still thinking about Brody when I'm with Ethan but i really do like Ethan I'm not just using him to distract myself. When we got to school Regan ran up to me. She looked nervous/excited. "Selena i need to talk to you. Alone." She says pulling me away from Ethan. "Whats so important Regan?" I asked a little shocked at how fast she pulled me away. "So um.. I don't want you to freak out but, Jakes coming back!" She looked really happy. I was happy for her I'm glad their relationship survived. Why did she think i would freak out? And then it dawned on me, "Is he coming alone?" She slowly shook her head no, and that when i figured it out. Brody's tour was coming back here. I must have looked like i went into shock because she said, "Selena? Are you ok? You look like you are in physical pain." Brody is coming back. Does he have a girlfriend? What if its a famous supermodel or something. I cannot believe he's coming back. Will he try to see me? Of corse he won't, i broke up with him and I'm already jealous that he has a girlfriend and i don't even know if he has one! "Um, no I'm fine." I could tell that Regan didn't believe me. "Oh Selena I'm so sorry i shouldn't have told you." "No Regan I'm glad you did." What is Ethan gonna say if he finds out he's coming back? Would i just break up with Ethan for Brody? No, no i convinced myself a while ago that if Brody came back i wouldn't let him break Ethan and I up. "Selena are you sure your ok?" "Yes Regan ill be fine. But i do have a question." "What is it?" She asked suspiciously. "Does, um, does Brody have a girlfriend?" I cringe just asking the question. "Are you sure you want me to answer that?" "Yes. I'm sure." "Yeah, he does have a girlfriend." The second she answered that the world disappeared. I felt like i had been punch in the stomach a thousand times in a row. "Who is she?" I could barley ask. "She's famous, her name is Kylie Lyne." Great, Kylies a supermodel and happens to be way prettier than me. She's also the same age as Brody. "Is she coming with him?" "Yeah...Im so sorry Selena!" I tried to put on my most joyful face and said, "Its okay. I have Ethan!"

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