Chapter 6

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I followed Regan out of the bathroom. I didn't catch up to her before we got back to the table. "So, Brody what state do you guys go to next for tour?" Regan asked as she sat back down. "We are going to Florida next." Brody said checking his phone. "Oh lucky! When do you leave? If you don't leave too soon we should do something like this again." Regan said glancing at me. "Oh yeah we don't leave for another month. I asked if i could have extra time here." Brody said glancing at me. Brody turned and looked at Ethan, "How old are you?" Brody asked him. "Im 17." Brody just nodded. Why had he just asked that? It was such a random question. I checked my phone, it was almost 9:30 pm. "We should probably get going soon Regan." I said looking at her. "Oh, shoot, i forgot to tell you we are going to a party tonight!" "Oh sweet, who's party?" Asked Jake. "Some girl from school." Regan explained. "Hey that sounds like fun! Can Brody and I come?" Asked Kylie. "Of course!" Said Regan. She forgot to tell me about this party until now on purpose. She wanted everyone to be there. I felt Ethan grab me hand under the table. I looked over at him and he gave me a sweet smile. I was suddenly feeling better about this party. Thats what i love about Ethan, he can cheer me up by just smiling at me. "We are in too." I say for Ethan and I. Regan gave me a surprised look. "Really?" She asked. "Of course."  About 5 minutes later we paid for the bill then left for the party. We pulled up in front of a white house with tons of cars in front of it. "We are here!" Said Regan who was driving the car we were in. Kylie and Brody drove separate. We all got out of the car and walked up to the front door. Sabrina Carlson answered the door, so this was her party. "Hey guys!" Regan gave a quick hug then we all walked in. A few seconds later Brody and Kylie walked in. "OMG! Kylie Lyne? What are you doing here? Im such a huge fan! Your like my favorite Victorias Secret model ever!!" Sabrina was totally fan girling over Kylie. "Oh you are so sweet. Im here with Brody." Sabrina looked over at Brody and said, "Are you two dating?" Brody took Kylie's hand in his and said "Yep" I realized that i was kinda staring so I looked away. Ethan walked up to me and said "Here have a beer." I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and said, "Thank you!" He put his arm around my shoulders. "Hey Ethan! Whats up bro?" Said Chad Dawson, one of Ethan's best friends. "Hey man i didn't know you were coming tonight." Ethan said giving him a bro hug. "Of course I'm here I'm always up to party." Ethan just laughed. I walked in the kitchen and found Regan and Jake making out. "Oh gees you two get a room." They stopped once they realized i was there. Jakes face got red from embarrassment. I laughed and said, "Oh its fine." Regan looked at me annoyed and said, "Can i help you?" "Nope, continue." I said walking out. I left the kitchen and was right there. "Oh hey." He said sheepishly. "Hi." He looked around and said, "Wheres Ethan?" "He's over there with Chad." I said pointing over to the crowded living room. Brody turned around to look and then looked back at me. "Um, so how has life been?" He asked not knowing what else to say. "Pretty good. You?" I asked. "Oh yeah its been good. Being on tour has been lots of fun but its kind of nice to be in one place for a while." He said with a sweet look on his face. He hadn't broke our eye contact for a while. It was weird, talking to Brody. I hadn't seen or talked to him in so long. I missed him. But i knew that didn't matter. "Well I'm going to go find Ethan." I said uncomfortable. "Oh ok." He said sounding a little disappointed. I walked over to where Ethan was. "Oh hey babe." He said then gave me a kiss. "Are you feeling ok? You seem a little drunk." He laughed and said, "Thats because i am. Im feeling fine though." He kissed me again. I pulled away, he asked, "Wheres Regan?" I looked up at him and said, "Oh Regan and Jake are making out in the kitchen." "Maybe we should do the same?" He said with a smirk. I kissed him again and then said, "Later." I walked back into the kitchen to find Regan. They weren't making out anymore, thank God. "Hey Selena." Said Regan. They were sitting at a table with a few other people including Brody, Kylie, Chad, And Sabrina. "Do you wanna play spin the bottle with us?" Asked Sabrina. "Can Ethan play?" "Of course! Go get him." Said Regan. I walked over to Ethan. He was with another guy i didn't recognize. They're arguing about something. "Just go away man. I don't want you here." Said Ethan shoving the other guy away from him. The other man looked older than high school. He looked like he was around 21. "Ethan i said you were coming with me lets go." I walked up to him and said, "Hi. Who the hell are you?" Ethan grabbed my wrist and pulled me behind him. Ethan was blocking me with his body like a shield. "Selena get out of here, go find Regan and go home." He said in a serious voice. I walked out from behind him and stood to face him, "Ethan I'm not leaving you here." The older man looked at me and said, "Who's this beauty?" Ethan seemed to get really mad at that remark. He stepped closer to the man and said, "Get out of here right now Sam." Even though Sam, the older man, was older that Ethan they were about the same height. Ethan was more muscular too. Sam grabbed my arm and pulled my close to him. I tried to escape his grasp but he was too strong. "Go." Ethan said. "Can i bring her with me?" Sam asked. Ethan grabbed Sam's arm and said "Let her go." Sam did what Ethan said. Sam put his arms up and said, "Chill Ethan, just having fun." Ethan grabbed my hand and we walked out the door to the car. He got in the drivers side and i got in the passenger seat. He turned to me with concern all over his face and said, "Are you ok? Im so so sorry Selena." I took hid hand in mine and said, "Im fine, are you? Who was that guy?" He looked down at our hands and said, "It doesn't matter." He leaned over and kissed me. I kissed him back. But i couldn't help think about who that was. It made no sense it seemed like they knew each other. Ethan pulled away and said, "What are you thinking about?" I looked at him and said, "Im thinking about you, and how much i enjoy kissing you." I pulled him back and kissed him again. He pulled back a little and said, "Is this later." We both giggled a little and i said, "Do you want this to be later?" He smirked at me and said, "Of course i do."  He kissed me again. He put his hand on my waist and i wrapped me arms around his neck. He kissed me softly at first and the harder. I pulled away this time and smiled. "What?" He said also smiling and resting his forehead on mine. "Nothing. We should probably get headed home now." He looked at me and said, "Your probably right." He leaned away from me. I sat back in my seat and then said, "But i think i should drive." He laughed and said, "I think so too."

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