Chapter 9

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  Regan drove her with Jake, Brody and Kylie. Ethan and I were in his car on our way to meet them. When we arrived at the party Regan and everyone else were already there. Right when Ethan and I walked in the door Chad came up to Ethan and said, "Hey bro whats up?" They hugged and Ethan replied, "Hey man." Chad smiled at me and then said to Ethan, "You up for some beer pong?" Ethan smirked and then followed Chad into the living room. I walk towards the kitchen to get a drink. As I walk in I see Regan. She ran up to me and gave me a hug. "Hey Sel you made it!" She seemed a little tipsy already. "Hi, yeah we just got here." She pulled away from the hug and looked around a little confused. "Wheres Ethan?" She asked. "Oh he's in the living room with Chad playing beer pong." "Ohhh i was playing that earlier. Its so fun!" I laughed and then said, "I can tell" She smiled and then said, "Lets go join them." She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the kitchen and into the living room. There i saw Ethan and Chad both guzzling drinks. I walked up to Ethan and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Hey, can i join?" He looked down and me and smiled, "There you are! Of course you can join." He said before grabbing my face in his hands and kissing me. He pulled away and smiled at me, he's also pretty tipsy. He let me go and we started playing beer pong. After a while Chad finally won, so we stopped playing. By this time Ethan and Regan were both officially drunk. I had only had one and a half beers. The next minute Brody, Jake, and Kylie walked into the living room. Regan ran up and gave Jake a big hug and a kiss. "Woah you are so drunk!" He said and then laughed. Brody looked over at me. He got this really sad look on his face and then turned away from me and started kissing Kylie. I just looked away. Regan walked back over to me, she looked sick. "Hey Selena i don't feel so well." She looked like she was about to throw up. "Ok, here lets go to the bathroom." I grabbed her arm and lead her to the bathroom. Once we were inside with the door shut she started crying. "Hey, Regan whats wrong?" I asked her. "I don't even know, I'm just really drunk right now and i just feel really sick and gross." She sobbed. "Don't cry your gonna be fine." There was a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I asked. "Brody." "Uh, come in i guess." He opened the door slowly and walked in. He shut the door after him and said, "Is she okay?" I looked up at him and then stood up and said, "Yeah she'll be fine." He nodded, looked at Regan sitting on the floor, and then said, "Can i talk to you Selena?" I looked back at Regan and said, "Sure" We walked out of the bathroom and into the empty hallway. "So what do you want to talk to me about?" I asked  him. He grinned a little and then said, "How've you been?" "Good, i guess." This was getting very awkward i thought. "I miss talking to you Selena. And i know that you're with Ethan and that you love him but i really miss having you around." He said. "Look, Brody we broke up for a reason. We're different, I'm just a normal high schooler and you're famous and you're going to be traveling pretty much you're whole life and I've never been out of this state." Brody got a really sad expression on his face, he looked like he was about to break. "Selena i know and I'm so sorry that it ended because of me." He took my hand in his, "but Selena i never stopped loving you and i love you so much." I pulled my hand out of his grasp and said, "What about Kylie? And i love Ethan, Brody this is so not the time for this." I said. "I know that you love him, and Kylie, i don't love her. Selena i never even liked her. Im only with her to make you jealous and i know thats so terrible so i just broke up with her, because I'm in love with you Selena." A tear drop rolled down his cheek. I didn't realize it right away but a tear was rolling down my cheek too. I wiped it away and pushed Brody away from me lightly. "I can't do this." I said and then walked back to over where Ethan was in the living room. He saw that i was crying and said, "Hey babe, whats wrong what happened." He took my face in his hands again and wiped away another tear. "Can we go please?" He pulled me into a hug and said, "Yes of course." We started walking towards the door. We passed Jake on the way and i said, "Jake, Regan's in the upstairs bathroom. Go take care of her." And then walked out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2017 ⏰

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