Chapter 5

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I felt my face turn bright red as i looked around Jake and saw Brody happily bowling and ,of course, there was Kylie too. I looked at Regan and said, "Did you know about this?" I was really upset. She sheepishly nodded. "Seriously you guys??" I said looking back and forth between them. I turned to walk away when i felt Jake grab my wrist. "Please Selena. Just try, please." His eyes were filled and i guess i felt extra nice today. "Ugh fine" We all turned and walked over to the alley. When we got there Jake and Brody said hey. Brody said hi to Regan too. I didn't give him a chance to say hi to me because right away i sat down and started getting my shoes on with my head down. Ethan sat right beside me and started getting his shoes on too. "Regan i would like you to meet my girlfriend, Kylie." Kylie reached out to shake Regan's hand. "Hello. It is so nice to finally meet you." She said too sweetly. "Yes you as well." Regan replied. I finished tying my shoelaces and stood up. Ethan stood next to me and gave my hand a squeeze before walking up to Brody and saying, "Hey. Im Ethan, Selena's boyfriend." He reached out to shake Brody's hand and he took it. "Hey I'm Brody." I stood next to Ethan. Then Kylie said to me, "Hi. Im Kylie, and you are?" I looked at Regan and Jake with a annoyed look and said to Kylie, "Im Selena." Brody and i hadn't made eye contact yet. This was going to be very awkward. For the rest of the day i tried to avoid Brody as much as possible and stand as close to Ethan or Regan as i could. After bowling everyone, but me, decided to go out for pizza. We went to the closest pizza place and took our spot. "So Regan how have you been?" Brody asked. "Im good! How has tour been for you two?" She said referring to Brody and Jake. "Its going great we love meeting out fans." I looked at Brody and he was looking right at me too. The most awkward eye contact ever! But i coolant look away. I love the color of his eyes, and i haven't seen them in person for so long. I looked away quickly. Selena, i said to myself, what are you doing? He has a girlfriend and you have Ethan! Plus i broke up with him. I think Regan caught on to what just happened because she said, "Sorry, will you excuse us." and grabbed my arm. She led me inside the bathroom. "Ok Selena, what the hell was that??" "What?" I said trying to sound innocent. "That face you used to make whenever you looked at Brody. Like you were in love with him. You just made that face again!" "What! I did not Regan. I have Ethan and he's dating Kylie." She rolled her eyes at me and said, "If he wasn't dating her and you didn't have Ethan, what would have just happened out there?" I thought for a second. "Nothing. I broke up with him." "Yeah and you were heart broken when you did. Selena what was the real reason you broke up with him?" I thought about this for a moment then answered. "I broke up with him because i knew he would hurt me soon enough anyways." "So it wasn't because you didn't love him? It was because you THOUGHT he would hurt you?" I nodded. "Thats the stupidest thing ever." She said then stormed out of the bathroom.

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