Chapter 7

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I woke up around 10 AM the next morning. I got up out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and then walked downstairs for breakfast. "Hey Selena. You look worn out." Said Austin, who was sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal. "Thats because i am." I say pouring a bowl of Lucky Charms. "Why? Long night?' He asks. "Yeah, i went to a party last night." I say sitting down next to him. "Who did you go with?" I knew he was going to ask that. "Regan, Jake, Ethan, and Brody." He looked up at me when i said the name Brody. "You went out with Brody?" I shook my head yes, "And his new supermodel girlfriend." I stood up and put my empty bowl in the sink. I walked upstairs to my room to get dressed. I pulled on a pair of high-waisted shorts and a light pink crop top. I put on a pair of white converse and then walked to the bathroom to curl my hair. After that i called Regan. "Hey Selena whats up?" She said sounding out of breath. "Hey Regan, why are you so out of breath?" I asked. "I just finished my jog. What are we doing today? I had a lot of fun last night at that party." I thought for a moment. "I did too. I think I'm gonna ask Ethan to hang out today. Something weird happened last night." "What do you mean? What happened." She asked. "This older guy showed up and was really shady. Ethan and him were shady towards each other. And i need an explanation." I explained. "Thats super weird." She said. "Yeah i know, I think I'm gonna call him now." "Ok, good luck!" Regan said and then hung up. I dialed Ethans number. The phone rang 3 times before he answered. "Hey babe, whats up." He said. "Hey!" I said smiling. "Do you want to go out for lunch today?" I asked. "Yeah that sounds good. Where do you want to go?" I thought for a second. "Chipotle at 12?" i said. "Sounds good. See you then. I love you." "Love you too." I said then hung up. An hour later i got in my car and drove to Chipotle. Ethan was already there when i arrived. We got our food and then sat down at a two person booth. "So about last night. That guy that showed up, who was he?" I asked Ethan. He looked down at his food and then back up at me. "He's my older brother, Sam." I was surprised by this. I never knew that Ethan had an older brother named Sam. "What?" I said. "I know I'm sorry i should have told you about him but it just never really came up." He said. "No, its fine but why is he never around?" I asked. "He's an alcoholic, he left home when he was 18. Never went to collage. He pretty much disappeared." He said. "Oh I'm sorry Ethan." I say feeling bad for him. "No its fine, it just sucks when he shows up here randomly. But lets not talk about him anymore." I know that talking about Sam makes Ethan upset so i didn't bring it up for the rest of lunch. Once we were both done with our food Ethan said, "Do  you want to come over to my place now?" "Yeah sounds good." We walked to our cars and i followed Ethan to his house.  When we walked in Ethans mom was standing in the kitchen "Hi Mrs.Newbie." I said. "Hey Selena nice to see you." She responded. "You too!" I followed Ethan upstairs to his room. I closed the door behind me and then sat on Ethans bed. "Do you want to watch a movie?" He asked sitting next to me. "Sure. What do you want to watch?" I asked. "I don't care you can pick." We ended up picking some old time romance movie. We played on his bed and watched the movie on his TV. He put his arm around me and i laid my head on his chest. Through the whole movie i couldn't stop thinking about what Ethan must have been feeling last night when Sam showed up at the party. From what i heard last night its sounds like Sam hasn't been around in a while. After the movie Ethan looked at me and said, "What did you think?" I hadn't been watching the movie so i didn't really know if i liked it. "Um it was good, yeah i liked it. Did you like it?" I asked.  "Yeah i did. What was your favorite part?" I really didn't know. "Um I'm not sure i liked it all!" I said. "I know you weren't paying attention Sel. Whats going on?" He asked. "Nothing I'm fine." I leaned up and kissed him but he pulled away. "Selena, whats wrong?" He asked again. "Nothing, I just feel bad about what happened last night between Sam and you." He moved his arm from around me and looked at me. "Hey, I'm fine for real ok? Don't worry about me." He said in a very serious voice. "Alright fine." I smiled at him and he smirked at me and then kissed me. I pulled away and said, "I should get going its getting late." Ethan walked me down to the door and gave me a hug goodbye. "Hey E, I love you." I said putting my hand on his cheek. "I hove you too Selena." As i was driving home i started thinking about what it would be like if Austin was a drunk that was never home. That would destroy me. I know i should drop it because Ethan doesn't want to talk about it but he never said i couldn't talk about it. When i got home i went to Mitch's room. I knocked and then walked in. "Hey Mitch." He was sitting on his bed doodling. "Hey." I sat down next to him. "Hows that girl you were dating? What was her name?" I asked. "Kim. Kim is her name." He told me setting down his pencil he was using to draw. "Yeah thats right, are you two still together?" I asked him "Yeah, I'm gonna go to bed now. Goodnight Selena." He said. I walked out of his room and into mine. I checked my phone and saw that i had a text message from Ethan it said, Hey Selena. I had a great night. I love you, goodnight. I typed back, I love you too, goodnight. Then i went to bed.

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