Chapter One: Sick And Twisted Shorty

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Yoko, a young girl no more than six laid on the dirt ground as she covered her bleeding eye with the palm of her hand, blood seeping in between her fingers and hitting the dry soil beneath her. Her hollowed out face contorted in pain and malice as frustrated tears pour from her one existing blue eye, the one her mother didn't take.

Her mother smirked down at her, a smirk she only realized to be cruel, and kicked her in the side while cackling, the woman's laughter filling the air. Soon what follows is the woman's voice, her voice so loud it could make anyone's ears ring "Watch the way you're looking at me before I take your other eye you brat!"

The young girl groaned in pain as the kick sent her flying, her mother putting all her nen into her foot to double the pain.

Her eye then adverted to her twin sister who was struggling just as much with their father with kicks and screams. "Yumi..." she mouthed as she tried to push herself up off the ground but no matter how much she struggled her six-year-old body couldn't muster the pain and emotional trauma of what just happened.

Finally, her body gave out from under her as her body collapsed into the dirt. She painfully bit her lip as she watched her father dig his fingers into her sister's eye socket ripping it out as Yumi's scream penetrated the silent night making even the birds resting for the night to flee from their homes. Her thoughts tortured her as her small body trembled, 'Why couldn't I push my body up to save her from the pain. She was always the weaker willed twin. She can't handle the pain like I did!'

Once collecting her sister's eye, he placed it in a jar full of liquid along with Yoko's own eye her mother took moments ago. Her father gave a sinister smile to the weak girl "Come and find us if you can when you get older Yoko. We would love to see you. Your sister will be waiting for your arrival."

Yoko's eye full of hatred narrowed at her parents as she breathed enough air in her lungs to scream "I will find you and rip your eyes out the same way you did us! You fucking bastards! I will make you scream and feel the same pain we felt tonight! Just you see!"

Her father stepped towards her with a frown as her mother ripped her unconscious twin off the ground by her arm. The man who resembled her only in appearance hisses "Will you now? You don't even know if you will survive the night with that nasty looking eye of yours. You can't even move. So watch your words, filth, before I decide to end your life right now. I'm giving you a chance so shut your mouth and take it."

Oh, how she hated anyone calling her filth. From day one she heard that more than she heard her actual name. The reason being her parents rarely let her bathe or pay any attention to her personal hygiene. She was more like a slave than their own daughter to them, so she often got kicked around and abused. The only thing she ever got from them was stale bread and water once a day. She was treated like an animal, no animals were treated better than her.

Her twin, on the other hand, was bathed, fed, and even had her own proper bed because she was the planned child. Yoko wasn't as she was birthed a few minutes after Yumi was so her parents used her but even so, Yoko admired her older twin and never envied. How clean her pale skin was, how her beautiful silky black hair was well-kept, how her light blue eyes sparkled at everything including her thin dirty twin. No one had never looked at her nor played with Yoko, but Yumi did. She accepted her even though their parents told her not to.

Yoko tried using the last of her strength to move, but by then her father kicked her over where she was now lying on her back facing up at him. She glared at him and his lips curved upwards into a smile "Hmm, you look disgusting. I can never imagine anyone loving you looking like that. You will remain loveless even after we abandon you here... like we should have done in the first place."

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