Chapter Thirteen: Dancing On The Sun

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The hotel room is completely dark, the only light was the yellow artificial lights coming in from outside the hotel room. The light seeps in through the red decorated curtains that were pulled close by Feitan when we first arrived. My eye wanders to Feitan's silhouette which was facing the other way, his face is turned from me and is facing the hotel door. It was a miracle Feitan has actually lied down next to me after his shower, and immediately his body had become relaxed, and he fell asleep with no trouble. Me, on the other hand, couldn't sleep no matter how tired I felt. 

So much was on my mind. My thoughts right now were about Feitan, and how he had smelled nice and fresh after his shower. His body smelling of a nice fruit scent which was no doubt caused by the shower gel he put on his body. My thoughts were also occupied about how he could stand going to bed with wet hair, his hair leaving wet stains on the pillow he had his head rested on. My eye continues to stare at his back which was nothing but a shadow at the moment. I try and grow closer to him on the bed, but instantly I notice his chest which was rising and falling peacefully had stopped.

He was awake now the instant I grew closer to him, we weren't touching but enough to feel the slight heat emitting from each of our bodies. I purse my lips, and he doesn't move or say anything making me wonder if he possibly didn't care about me trying to grow closer. Then I suck in my breath, my heart stopping as I put my arm around his waist expediently. I expect for him to throw my arm off him or he would even crush my hand, or possibly break my arm, but he allows it since he does nothing.

I feel my body also inch closer to him until my forehead is pressed against his back and our skin is now touching. He felt nice and smelled nice, and I breathe in the scent of the shower gel he had used. Nothing happens for several minutes, and I start to relax as I now hold on to him. This felt so much better than lying away from him...and just as my eye flutter close in relaxation, and sleep nearly consumes me, Feitan's phone buzzes on the nightstand by the bed, the light from his phone lighting up the room for only a few seconds before it goes dark.

Instantly I feel Feitan tense, and he removes my arm from around his waist, tossing it to the side as he 'tsks' under his breath, my perfect moment ending. I see him sit up slightly using his elbow, and he grabs his phone, checking to see why it had buzzed, and the light temporary shines in his face, making his eyes squint. Whatever it is, it seems to be a text message from someone he doesn't have labeled as a contact, just a number and he then places the phone back down on the nightstand, but he doesn't relax; instead, he sits up.

My eye looks at his back as he throws the blankets off himself and slides his legs over the bed and stands. I watch as he dresses, first he starts to first pull up his boxers, then his pants, and then his belt to hold up his baggy pants. He fastens it before sliding on a plain black tee shirt that he decided to wear under his trench coat this time.

I decide now to ask propping my head off the pillow "Where are you going?"

He replies as he slips on his boots without socks "The vending machine outside."

"Get me something as well. Maybe a coke." I state, wondering if he was going to be nice and get me something as well.

He is quiet as he trudges to the door and he grabs a few coins from his bag along with the hotel key card and without saying anything he walks out of the hotel room, the outside still dark, and the crickets singing. Once he closes the door behind him, I sit up, and my eyes look to the digital clock on the nightstand, it blinking in big red numbers, 1:32 am. Then my eye travels to his phone that he has flipped over, so all I see is the back of his smartphone.

Curiosity gets the better of me, and I flip over his phone, and my eye instantly looks at the message still in his notifications, it reads as followed from a random number, 'I'm here. I'm outside.'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2019 ⏰

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