Chapter Twelve: Stealer Of Breaths

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Quick A/N: EXTREME steamy/sorta kinky lemon happens in this chapter. Readers beware.


I didn't realize how much feitan was a fast walker; I find myself covered in sweat head to toe, as we traveled more to the warmer lands. First, when we just began our journey, the lands were cold, then the more we traveled south it got warmer and warmer until it was unbearably hot. I had no idea where we were heading, but I had a feeling it had something to do with why he was talking to his friend Shalnark through his phone the entire time. He must have gotten a lead on where my sister currently was, and barely let up for breaks.

Finally, when we get into town, I collapse on a public bench as I breathe heavily and guzzle water from my metal canister. Feitan stops in his tracks 'tsking' at me before muttering "Baby." He wanders back to my location looking at me, and I glare at him. Feitan barely had a drop of sweat on him, even though he was wearing black and had layers of clothes on. I didn't know how he could stand it.

When traveling it had been two weeks in total to get us this far, and when we finally did stop to rest it was outside or abandoned buildings because we no longer were near civilization and for food, feitan killed just about anything for us to eat. Ranging from small desert animals too much bigger desert animals. It would have been fun to watch him if I didn't get involved in the fight between him and the beasts wandering the lands.

"Quiet, I'm not used to traveling like you" I whine. "Can we please stop here for a little while. I'm sick of battling with desert animals for food, and sleeping outside. Can we just please get a motel or something..."

Feitan stares at me in thought, before he responds "Don't you want to find your sister...?"

More like he wants to find my sister to rip her to shreds... "I do believe me. I have waited for this journey all my life." I mutter before I say "But I just need a good nights rest for one day and normal food..."

He slips his phone from his pocket looking at the screen before he mutters "I suppose we have time... " His eyes wander around the town and he looks at the many vendors asking "What do you want...?" Oh, this was different. He was actually considering my option now...or was this a trick?

I cap my canister and put it by my side as so many different and wonderful smells make way to my nostrils, making my stomach growl loudly. It smelled so much better than cooking meat over a fire. Oh, how I craved assortments of fruits, veggies, and bread right about now. Even something sweet would satisfy me. I also enjoyed the quiet chatter among the crowds of people in the bustling streets.

I stand up from the bench, moving to one of the street vendors and seeing what they have. In different kind of plastic cups with a lid, they had what looked like blueberries, a blue round fruit. "These look good," I say pointing towards them and Feitan walks up behind me, his eyes narrowing at them.

"These..." he mutters, stuffing his hands in his trench coat pocket "Probably will give an upset stomach. Especially on a hot day...and in travel. I don't want to be stopping for you to go to the bathroom. "

I blush slightly as he walks away after, examining what other vendors have. Did he seriously just suggest the berries would give me the runs? That miserable bastard. Embarrassing me like that. I start to frown, as I watch his back and follow steadily behind him. This was really a different scenario from what I pictured a couple weeks ago. I never imagined he would let me out like this and much less be helping me with my journey with my family. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all...No, what am I saying.

I shake my head of the thought and he stops at another vendor on the side of the streets. This time one of his own interest. The young woman selling meat on a stick, and she keeps it warm by using her nen. A gourmet hunter perhaps?

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