Chapter Eleven: Hunting For Your Dream

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I stare at the red soda can with its white straw while in a daze, and next to the soda is food. A red plastic basket full of fries and small plastic containers of two sauces are next to it, One being Ketchup while the other is barbecue sauce sits in the middle of us, and in front of me resides an untouched burger sitting in a styrofoam container. 

"You should eat...When is the last time you ate?" asks Feitan who is next to me, dipping his french fry in the red sauce and eating it.

I rub at my obvious bruised neck; I could tell it was bruised without even looking at it in the mirror. I kept getting sideways glances directed towards the spot I currently was covering with my hand with. I reply softly not understanding how he could act like everything was normal when not even three hours ago we were in a private room in a club having sex, "Its been about a day or so..."

We currently were still at the club, but we were just sitting at a table towards the corner. After everything, Feitan tossed me an extra shirt I had no idea where he has gotten from and made me clean myself up as best as I could while in the public restroom. How awkward that was for me. Then after that, he made me sit down as he received food from one of the local restaurants in the city.

During that time alone, he had the girl who was apparently named 'Jenny' watch me, along with her boyfriend 'Mars.' I was tempted to straight up, walk out and leave but that obviously didn't happen. I was exhausted...and just wanted to go to bed at this point. In an actual bed, not outside like yesterday.

"Then eat," he orders his eyes glaring at me as he licks the salt away from his fingers. "And not just fill up on soda as you have been..."

I stare at the burger like it was my last and worst, enemy. I also stare at the lettuce, tomato, and also the pickles. "I don't like my burgers with anything but cheese..." I mutter fidgeting slightly. I couldn't believe I wasn't eating and telling him this. But I was hungry I suppose.

"Scrape it off then." He says growling and dragging the burger towards him. He then opens up the bun picking off all the junk with a plastic fork and letting it flop into the white container's lid. Once getting everything off he places the 'plain' burger in front of me. I still glare at it.

"It isn't the same. I would still be able to taste everything...its soaked into the bun." I mutter glancing at him then the burger as I pick up the can of soda and sip from the straw.

He gives me a deadpanned look, as an angry tick appears on his forehead. "Eat it... I don't care about your problems with it," he growls out, obviously annoyed. He looks away leaning back in his seat as his fingers strum against the table. He mutters under his breath, but I still hear it "Fucking bitch with her second rate problems...Starve to death then. You weren't this picky when you were eating literal garbage."

I'm sick of hearing his complaints, and I reach over grabbing a single fry from the basket and dipping it into the brown sauce. Once eating the fry, the taste of it explodes in my mouth, I go in for a second one which soon becomes a tenth. I start becoming something similar to like a starving vulture, but it hadn't' been the longest I went without eating. I have gone much longer periods without foud in Meteor City, but right now I felt like I was starving from one of my worst days. 

Feitans eyes glance at me for a moment, and then he asks almost hesitant like "You said...the reasons we forgot was because of your sister...? The one who you were looking for."

My eyes glance down as I eat another fry, and I reply after chewing and swallowing "That's from what I remember...the last memory I had after running away from you during that time was bumping into her. What about you...?"

He is quiet for a moment as he sighs and leans back in his chair, "I don't exactly remember everything but the memory I had of your body is disappearing slowly. And what comes with it is a headache as I try and remember clearly."

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