Chapter Five: Dear Little Sister

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"Where are we going now?" I ask Feitan quietly while following behind him after he exits the Diner. He said he had a job to do earlier. What was it? Where was he going to bring me? Should he seriously have drunk two beers before he worked? Or did beer not really do much for him. I heard of people having a high tolerance, he might be one of those people. I did see all of the bottles in his apartment. I wonder if he is an alcoholic in any way?

Christ, I shouldn't even be asking petty things like this to myself. Have I lost sight already of why I'm even here? I'm here because he forced me against my will. My main goal should be focused on escaping and find out whatever happened to Ukyo. I needed to know that before I did anything rash and made him angry. I needed to find him before I escaped or attempted to.

Was Ukyo alright? Where was he? How was I going to escape him? Those were the type of questions I should be asking myself not questioning thoughts about my captor. My plot and chance to escape are things I should be looking out for and thinking about. I didn't need to know information on him in the transaction of it all. I had a goal I still had sights on and I could not lose sights no matter what. Even if I was in such a weird position such as this one. I promised myself. I will find my family and make my parents pay for what they have done.

After everything I done so far even going as far as to get involved with the mafia, I will not let this asshole here be the one to end my pathetic life. He's going to kill me eventually anyway with a temper like his or maybe he will get bored of me or more precisely my power. He won't find any needs to deem me necessary in his life, and that will be the moment he decides I'm nothing but trash, and he will have his way with me doing everything to me he's dreamed about on my body for weeks before I beg for the afterlife or mercy by his own hands.

That will be when he's fully satisfied with what he has done with me and then he will go through with killing me most likely the most painful thing I had experienced in that week of never ending suffering. I shiver my imagination on my future darkening by the second. It's best not to think like that... I have to clear my head and start thinking positive which was hard to do given my current situation. It seemed anything I did was a darkening path of my future. Had I given up hope already?

He takes a toothpick he got from the restaurant out of his pocket and picks at his teeth with it, and he starts looking up at the sky that was dark with gray clouds. Rumbles of thunder could be heard in the distance. Meaning any second it was going to start pouring. Flashes of blue and clear white streaks could be seen in the far distance. Not quite reaching us.

The sign lights to the diner were flickering and fighting to stay on. Using every last bit of energy to do so. The N to Diner were already out and black instead of the red lettering. The rest of the letters were lit up but flickering making a soft buzzing sound, the sound only audible from standing underneath them. A crisp chill loomed in the air as it was fall weather and during the night it cooled down considerably. It was dark and a thunderstorm was rolling in, and I didn't have a jacket just a short sleeved shirt on. Luckily for Feitan, he had that long jacket on he favored, the one with the skull on the back.

He decides on giving me a bland reply looking up at the sky daydreaming almost, but I'd be a fool to run now, obviously, he wasn't completely trustworthy of me and was still keeping an eye on me even if it didn't look it "A job..."

I frown slightly, "I meant what are we doing for this job..."

He starts walking getting his full of looking at the gloomy sky, "I don't feel like explaining. Just follow me. I will explain when we get there and what you have to do." It's funny I never caught him looking at the daylight sky just the night sky.

My eye widens and I follow him, "What do you mean? I thought this was your job, not mine." He clicks his tongue flicking the toothpick onto the sidewalk, it makes a soft sound on the pavement while it bounces before rolling and falling into between the grates of a sewer.

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