First Kiss - 2

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Timo walked into (Y/N)'s room and saw her working on homework. Her room was messy. Clothes, paper, and books were everywhere. Time walked over and sat by (Y/N).
"Yes?" (Y/N) asked as she looked up.
"You need to clean your room," Timo said.
"Why? Barely anyone actually comes in the room," (Y/N) said. "I'm fine with it."
"Then I'm cleaning for you," Timo said as he stood up.
"You don't have to do that," The girl said. "I don't mind the mess."
Timo turned to look at her before pecking her lips. "I do." He then started cleaning as (Y/N) hid her face with a pillow. Timo looked over and chuckled a little at that. She looked so cute like that.


Cedric looked at (Y/N), who was laying down. Cedric walked over. She didn't look up
"What's wrong?" Cedric asked.
"Full moon soon," (Y/N) looked up at her blonde vampire boyfriend.
Cedric nodded and pulled (Y/N) to his lap. He stroked her hair.
"My head hurts..."
Cedric kissed her hair line before kissing her on the hairline.
"It'll get better," he whispered before he kissed her on the lips. "I promise it'll go away," Cedric watched as (Y/N) fell asleep in her arms.


(Y/N) walked into her room to see Keas sleeping on her bed. She sighed before taking off her coat and shoes. She put her guns and other weapons on her desk. She then pushed him over and laid down with her back turned away from him.
After a few hours, Keas woke up and saw (Y/N) fast asleep. He pushed her hair out of her face before pecking her lips.
"Love you," Keas said before going back to sleep.
(Y/N) smiled softly before she mumbled back, "Love you too."
She spun around and snuggles into Keas's back. Keas turned his head to look at (Y/N). She was already asleep again.


(Y/N) rubbed her temples as she looked over at Yukiya from across the room. Everyone left the classroom. She stood up and walked over. Yukiya gave her a quick smile before they left the classroom.
"How do you feel?" (Y/N) asked, looking at her at her wrist.
   Yukiya nodded. "I told you to take my blood."
  (Y/N) put her hand on Yukiya's as the wolf followed them.
   "Are you sure?"
   "I'm sure," Yukiya stopes her and leaned down. He gives her a soft, quick kiss before they started walking again.
   (Y/N) stared at the head of the blue haired male with a blush on her face. She and Yukiya both knew that one day that Yukiya be (Y/N)'s belonging now. Neither of them seemed to care at the moment. They were just fine with how they are now.


   James smiled at The Holmes girl as she was reading over something. (Y/N) looked up at him with an annoyed look.
   "You are her almost everyday. Why?" The girl asked as she leaned back in her seat.
   "Can't I visit my girlfriend?" James asked.
   "You don't even knock. You just walk in. You're like my brother in that way," (Y/N) sighed.
   James sat by her and threw her arm around her. "I'm not like your brother at all."
   "Whatever you say," The girl looked back at the paper.
   James smirked and kissed her lips. He then stood up and walked away.
   "Idiot!" (Y/N) called out after him.

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